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Sharpless 155 in Cepheus.


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I've been doing some imaging with my 8" Newtonian lately. I'll have to go back to the equipment forum and withdraw any comments that I have made on the HEQ5 Pro not beeing able to carry an 8", guide scope, guide rings, guide cam and the side by side bar. Even unbalanced in RA it tracks like charm with a 400 mm guide scope and imaging scope at 1000mm :)

I've ordered another counterweight and a MPCC from FLO. When I get that I can start to post full frame DSLR shots @ 1000mm. Loveley. Im also hoping that the MPCC will enable me to attach my 2" Neodyum filter into the system again; without it I can only to 4 minute subs.

This image is from last night. It's the cave nebula in Cepheus. I did an antempt at it earlier this year with my megrez 90; http://stargazerslounge.com/index.php/topic,32002.0.html The small refractor is not the right tool I guess. I think the newtonian does the work a lot better... Size does matter I guess. The image is very noisy, I think the lack of LP filter and that I have pushed the exposures is to blame. I havn't subtracted darks like I normally do, I'll go back and try to apply some later.

I also have the bubble, flaming star and another Sharpless object in the imge processing queue, so expect some more newt images from me in the near future :.)

30x4 minutes. 8" f/5 Newtonian. HEQ5 Pro. guided wiht PHD. Canon 10D modified DSLR.


(click to enlarge)

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Nice picture Glen, a LP filter will improve things but darks, flats and bias frames make the world of difference. I only started using flats a month or so ago but the difference they make to an image is unbelievable.

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Nice picture Glen, a LP filter will improve things but darks, flats and bias frames make the world of difference. I only started using flats a month or so ago but the difference they make to an image is unbelievable.

I have temporarily banned flats since the way I do it seem to add noise. I use Dynamic Background Extraction in PixInsight instead at the moment. Not as good, but helps a great deal!

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