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The six sisters (M44 and 6/7!!) in false colour


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I learnt a lot last night! I'd forgotten how much bigger the chip on the H9 is than the ATiK, and so didn't think I'd get the whole of M45 in, but thought I fancied seeing if I could get the nebulosity... Lesson: scroll around the display to see the bits you're missing Helen, and to see how much extra space you've got for framing :)

So here are the six sisters (it was Friday night, the other one was out :D ) and I played with Noel's tools to give some false colour!

SXVFH9 on ZS66, on NS8 - stacked in DSS (90%) of 15x 90s subs


(click to enlarge)

I'll get all of it next time!!! (and some real colour too!)


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Hi Helen,

Nice capture.... i stuck it out throught ht first clouds of th enight and got another few hours in before finally losing patience about 4.30 switche dthe scope off stripped the comp only to have clear skies again...but they didnt last and I was fairly tired by then...so had a few hours kip


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Hi Helen!!!!

I maybe wrong but you had captured the seven sisters in your image . Sterope, Merope, Alcyone, Maia, Electra, Taygeta, and Celaeno. The two stars missing, Pleione and Atlas are the parents of the sisters.......I was always confused at which stars are the sisters as there are 9 bright stars in Pleaides, and its the 9 brightest stars which make up the family...... when i image M45 myself i cannot get all of it in the image and always thought i had only captured 5 sisters in the shot when in truth ive captured them all and just missed of their parents..........

Nice image with false colour added anyway ........


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Plenty of detail in your image. M45 seems to respond to blue, try PS Curves and select the blue band.

A small step up, this one looks like a large step up. If you keep the progress up, we newbies will be coming to you for hints.


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