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Indeed I do - and that has got to be the most amazing capture, well worthy of the APOD slot (even if it is a year late)! First image I've seen that clearly shows a tail - and without burn-out of the many times brighter coma.

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Was the day I got my 25x100's and wondered why I couldnt get decent "focus" on the bright yellow star...doh...was a day or so before I realised I was looking at Holmes...

I was in the early days of my Astro photography then and using a DSI fitted with various camera lenses piggy backed on the ETX 105... a lots changed in a year....


(click to enlarge)


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I only saw Holmes a couple of times with my 10x50's and I was parked up in heavily light polluted London at the time. Every weekend around that time was clouded out while at home (as usual) so I never got a chance to point the 'scope at it.

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