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M15 revisited - 22 October 2008


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After my previous attempt at this target the night before, I thought I'd have another go with shorter exposures and lower ISO to keep the core from burnning out.

This time, I took 120x10s @ ISO-800. After stacking in DSS, I found the same problem, the core was burnt out. I fiddled with the settings in DSS, and discovered that I had set the "Brightness" setting in "RAW DDP Settings" to "6" (on someone's advice a long time ago). I reset that to "1" and restacked. The result was a much dimmer image, but with the core remaining resolved.

A bit of tweaking in PS CS3 produced the result below :)

Interestingly, my subs from last night were much less orange than the night before, with barely a hint on the camera screen (whereas the previous night had produced bright orange previews) - whether an artifact of the reduced exposure, or much less moisture in the air to scatter LP I'm not sure.

Hope you like it.


(click to enlarge)


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Nice work there, plenty of pinpoint stars and good colour (though I'd reduce the blue myself, personally)! I've had a go at most of the brighter globs since I took up imaging, and M15 is one of the most awkward - very dense core and really difficult to get rid of that wretched burn-out! Good effort, yours, shows stars just about all the way in!

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