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Mercury ?


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Anyone seen Mercury ? I've been hoping to image it popping up in the dawn sky for a few days so having failed miserably with Mars last night I got up at 4.30am to have a go and could see no sign of it, nice first view of Orion, Castor and Pollux etc, hung around until the Sun came up but no Mercury :icon_cry:


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In my recent limited experience, with a setting Mercury, it's a fine line between being bright enough to overcome the bright sky, and being in the murk. It really was not many minutes in total. But I guess you are aware of that! That's without a scope, mind, just a telephoto lens.


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Hi Dave, according to Prof Ian Morrison ' On the 5th and 6th, Mercury, shining at magnitude -1, is just over one degree from Regulus in Leo (at magnitude +1) ' so should be easier to find in the east-northeast, if it's a clear night.

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34 minutes ago, rwilkey said:

Hi Dave, according to Prof Ian Morrison ' On the 5th and 6th, Mercury, shining at magnitude -1, is just over one degree from Regulus in Leo (at magnitude +1) ' so should be easier to find in the east-northeast, if it's a clear night.

Thanks Robin, don't think I've got much chance of spotting Regulus if I can't see Mercury, I could see Procyon rising clearly and even a nice ISS pass, but Mercury didn't appear as expected, it was a bit murky on the horizon but I've imaged it before from this position, hopefully there'll be another chance tomorrow.


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