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Current Astro setup


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Hi all - I’ve just finished my upgrades ready for this winter..will be my second season with this current rig after a big upgrade last year. Main new inclusions are dew heaters and a guide scope (the SW ed50) which I cannot wait to bring in some subs longer than 90s. I thought I’d drop a few images here for any interested ?

This is a real lightweight setup and will hopefully get some time in dark sites this winter - for ref my rig is made up as:

Mount: Celestron Advance VX with Pole Master for PA. ADM vixen dovetail and rings.

Scopes: Skywatcher Evostar 80ED DS-PRO, Skywatcher 50ED EvoGuide

Cameras: Canon 700D & ASI290MC (guide camera)

Misc: Hitec Astro dew heater with astrozap dew bands. Bahtinov Mask for focusing.


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3 hours ago, Sunshine said:

Now i realize why i don't have time to get into DSO Ap, that looks like an hour to setup, another half hour to calibrate before a shot is started, awesome though!

To be honest, it doesn't take terribly long and once you have your routine down, I actually quite enjoy the setup. As opposed to the remaining hours of doing nothing whilst the subs are acquired.

But yeah, if my rig puts you off, then defo swerve DSO ap! My setup is very much a rookie rig...I still have to add a mono camera, filter wheel etc.

Clear Skies

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

Amazingly I have a very similar set-up. The only difference is my mount, which is a SW AZEQ6, and a Sesto Senso focusser. With regards Sunshine's post about taking a hour to setup. No. Maybe 20 mins once you get used to how things all fit together. I have mine permanently setup in the spare room (yes I have a very understanding wife), with all wires connected. When I want to image I simply take the OTA off (to save weight as I'm lifting it). Polar alignment takes maybe another 20 mins thanks to an app on my phone and the alignment procedure in Ekos.

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