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Impromptu session and the power of this hobby


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So I've been rather inactive on this forum this year due to a few family problems and a spout of ill health for me, which left me no time for the hobby I enjoy so much, I've now fully recovered now so I'm glad to be back. :)

So on Tuesday (22/08) I stuck my head out the window and saw for the first time in a long time a beautifully clear and dark sky, I was in two minds weather or not to chance it because I had work the next morning at 8am and it was already pushing north of 10pm when I looked. However my lovely Skywatcher 150p goto scope was just begging to be used so I threw caution to the wind and set her up in the front garden as the moon was up so thought I'd have a little look at the moon and the surrounding area and go back inside. I then saw just of the moon towards the southeast there was an extremely bright beige star in the sky, that must be a planet I thought. So I consulted Stellarium on my phone to see what it was and I was right it was a planet, Mars to be exact at this moment I got rather excited, in the year I've had my scope apart from the moon I've never seen any planet in it, so with a growing sense of anticipation I aligned the scope up with the target and popped in my 6mm EP and gradually focused it and behold it was indeed mars a red lentil on a black background, still blew my mind for the first time seeing another planet in my scope, I stood there for a good 20 minutes observing Mars longer I did the more I was able to see. 

At this point my sister stuck her head out the window to ask what I was doing so I told her and invited her to come out and take a look for herself, we don't do much together me and my sister, tbh we've never been very close growing up and always had polar opposite interests which has resulted in us now we're older (I'm 23 she's 16) not doing much if anything together, anyway she came down and was equally blown away by the view of Mars and we stood there chatting and discussing what we could see, how we could just about make out its ice caps, and discussing how Mars has been in a planet wide dust storm lately, I didn't know she would be this enthusiastic, then when I checked what else was up I saw that Saturn was also up just off the moon again but in a more southwestern direction, now to me this is the planet I've been wanting to see and been told it is the one to view if I get a chance so without wanting to miss it me and my sister moved the setup further along the garden to be clear of some trees so we could get a clear view and after aligning the scope with the target again I was not disappointed, wooooooow was my reaction as my jaw nearly hit the floor it was Saturn and her rings in all her glory I could clearly see the cassini division and possibly one of its moons, I couldn't believe I had finally manage to get Saturn in the eyepiece after so long of trying and failing to get a planet I had managed to get two in one night one being the one I most wanted to see, it made all them nights where I didn't see one worth it :) it was quite a special feeling I felt to have shared that with my sister, her reaction was much the same as mine, sheer amazement and wonder. Even dad came out and had a look too :)

After that I showed her the moon and its various features which she was equally blown away by, then we had a look at the dragonfly cluster in cassiopeia and she was able to see different colours and managed to split a double, 12:30am we headed in, she asked me within seconds if we could do it again which I of course agreed to, the power of this hobby has bought two distant siblings together and healing that gap we had, I went to bed feeling rather accomplished that night, sods law though the clouds ain't budged since ?? 

Thanks for reading just thought I'd share this rather incredible session with you all. 

Clear skies

George :)

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Brilliant report!

You must try to catch Jupiter before it disappears for 6 months.

Look 10 degrees above the SW horizon at 9pm or a bit earlier.

Don't wait for dark, it will be too late. You can see Jupiter in twilight.

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3 hours ago, lenscap said:

Brilliant report!

You must try to catch Jupiter before it disappears for 6 months.

Look 10 degrees above the SW horizon at 9pm or a bit earlier.

Don't wait for dark, it will be too late. You can see Jupiter in twilight.

Thank you :)

And I deffo will be trying to catch Jupiter, sounds like a fantastic sight to see, didn't know it was about to disappear for 6 months though, thanks for the heads up shall let you know how I get on :)

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2 hours ago, Stu said:

Nice one George, really good to be able to share a session like that with your sister. Hopefully you can be observing buddies plenty more times in future :) 

Thanks Stu :)

Yes it certainly was great to share it with her :) I hope we'll do this plenty more times, nice to have something that brings us together like this :)

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Touching report nice one

I've found the same reaction with most people, you invite them out and they don't show much enthusiasm and then once you show them a few things (mostly a planet as they can relate to these better) they are captivated and want to stay out and come back for more

As said try to get Jupiter before it gets too low, best planet to observe imho :) and Neptune isn't too far behind Mars and is higher in the sky, its currently between Mars and the Moon - I've never seen Neptune and can't wait to observe it :)


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On ‎23‎/‎08‎/‎2018 at 22:22, Trollinthewall said:

then when I checked what else was up I saw that Saturn was also up just off the moon again but in a more southwestern direction, now to me this is the planet I've been wanting to see and been told it is the one to view if I get a chance so without wanting to miss it me and my sister moved the setup further along the garden to be clear of some trees so we could get a clear view and after aligning the scope with the target again I was not disappointed, wooooooow was my reaction as my jaw nearly hit the floor it was Saturn and her rings in all her glory

Nice report George, glad things go well for you now.

Saturn is indeed something special.

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Very nice report, I would like to get out more myself but the mosquitoes this year are terrible after a very wet July. They never nromally bother me that much but my blood is very tasty to them and this year I am high on the menu. Could do with some cold to kill them off.


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Glad to hear you've got over your spell of poor health first up and secondly thank you for a lovely report. 

The same thing occurred with my mother and I, haven't really been close for many years but ever since looking through my scope back in May she has been around to my house more and even has her own little scope in her flat now. 

Amazing what can bring families together. Big up for our amazing hobby. 

Jas ? 

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