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Crayford focuser - TW (yet another one)


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Another Crayford you say...? Indeed, but this time I've got rid of as much metal parts as possible.
To have a smooth focusing action I need these 3 planes of course, well this time I replaced these brass shims I used in a few other focusers by something else.
The only metal parts left in this focuser is the 6mm focus axis, one ball bearing and a few screws. (And now that I come to think of it, I could replace that one ball bearing with a substitute too).
To be clear, the drawing is not completely finished, but all will be clear when the unit is fully assembled.


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This one works very well too. In this case there's more friction, but it does not work counterproductive. It does need just a little bit more force to focus, still it focusses very smooth and I can't feel anything at all, I mean no issues, no irregularities at all while focusing.
The 'white' tie-wrap is a substitute for the brass shims I used  earlier in other focusers. The contactwheel is also a brass rod. But this time I added a rubber O-ring on it.

Ignore the quality of the print. For this one I wanted to speed up things a bit(Printspeed was set at 100+mm/s.) and this is the result(Ghosting)









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