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Delphinus disaster


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Decided use the dongle on the EQ5 last night with sky safari 5 pro.

After launching Synscan app I wanted to pick my own stars chose the first Arcturus then wanted to choose Altair but app would not give me that so had to use Dubhe.  Pointed in totally wrong direction had to slew right over myself over 90° to get Arcturus, Dubhe however was nearly bob on so had high hopes.

First port of call Saturn why I had chance no Cassini division  but could see three moons was happy with that.

Gamma Delph (SAO 1064 75)  two yellow/Orange stars slightly different magnitudes nice sight.

Kappa Delph (1260 59) this is where it went wrong if there was a double there I could not see it no matter what magnification I used .

Went back to Saturn to check alignment out of the FOV with 25mm in had to bring it back with the finder.

Now my mistake I wrote down out of Sissy Haas 3 more doubles Δ26, h3683 and Rmk 4 not realising I had crossed over into Dorado silly me.

Give up on Delphinus went for Comet 21p Giacobini-Zinner checking Cotterless45 brilliant sketch I was in the same area but a no show.

Decided look at a couple of doubles in Cassiopeia as they were in the doubles section of Sky Safari first 

Eta Cass (SAO 0217 32) lovely yellow with a delicate red/brown companion.

Iota Cass (SAO 0122 98)    could only see a double here despite using a 8mm X125 I did draw a picture.

Two dissociated stars next Cor Caroli (SAO 0632 57) what a sight off white with a easy blueish green companion.

Mu Cephei (SAO 0336 93)  beautiful Red/Orange super giant.

I tried Uranus and Neptune both behind houses

Last but not least Mars I barlowed my 5mm I could see polar ice cap and some dark shading on the surface really pleased with that. 

Apart from Sky Safari losing connection several times and alignment still causing me no end of trouble. was not a bad night.



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24 minutes ago, Littleguy80 said:

I’d say that was a pretty successful session. Plenty of reports of seeing no detail on Mars so you’ve done well :) very nice sketch too!

Iota Cass is a triple I should of put more mag on maybe I could of got the third component. Thank you for the vote of confidence.

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11 minutes ago, wookie1965 said:

Iota Cass is a triple I should of put more mag on maybe I could of got the third component. Thank you for the vote of confidence.

I sometimes come in feeling like a session hasn’t gone well and then look back on it in the morning with fresh eyes and realise it went much better than I thought. Iota Cass can be a tough one. I’ve missed the third one more than once. 

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