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Blackboard paint

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I am in the process of flocking the SW 200P. Its a project I have been putting off for sometime but I thought I'd get started on it this weekend.

Anyway I was trolling about wondering whats good to paint all the shiny bits with to give them a good flat black finish and I found International Paints Blackboard Paint. Its good stuff. Will apply on almost any primed surface and it applies well - rather like a good quality enamel paint.

You need to stir the tin a fair bit to get it to mix down but once its mixed its easy enough to apply, goes touch dry quite quick and when dry provides a completely flat black surface that doesnt show brush marks unless you really are hopeless with paint.

I used a couple of fine art brushes ( I used to paint as a hobby ) to do all the bits on the secondary ( vanes, holder and mirror edge and back ). Its currently sat in my study as the 2nd coat dries and I have to sait the finish is REALLY good - completely black and as non reflective as its possible to get I think. Painting the edges of the secondary was pretty hairy stuff but its all gone ok so far. I am also painting up all the nuts and bolts that go inside the scope at the same time.

The paint only cost me about a fiver from Brewers paint shop but its probably around in B&Q I'd think.

If anyone else is looking for a good flat paint this stuff seems really good.

I was hoping to get the scope flocking completed this weekend but it seems unlikley as I have some other commitments. Anyway as soon as its done I'll post a few pics so you can see the effect.

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Dont wont to sound dim but what is flocking and what are the benefits.



Blackening the inside of the tube with self adhesive flocking paper (as black and non-reflective as it gets). Some people use black felt and glue or self adhesive black felt. Finishing touches are painting any reflective bits and pieces in there (nuts, bolts, secondary edge, etc) with matt black paint

The benefit is increased contrast in the image at the eyepiece.

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Dont wont to sound dim but what is flocking and what are the benefits.

Not a dim question at all - Ians already answered it really . Views on its effectiveness seem split. The flocking paper was cheap enough so I thought I'd five it a go.

For me its a kind of 'go faster' upgrade. An 8" scope is as large as I can ever hope to own for the foreseeable future so my thinking is to get the max out of it that can be gotten.

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Does the flocking paper shed fibres at all... I guess if you get the right stuff it doesn't... I have been thinking of doign my CPC800 SCT but seeign as its a closed system then I'd liek to kow that i wasnt introducing a source of "fibres" into the OTA...

Any good links to flocking info and suppliers?



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I used polystyrene sheet to line my Newt. many moons ago. It was 2mm stuff, and I used PVA to stick it to the tube walls. I used Matt Black Emulsion to paint it when it been allowed to dry a couple of days. It was surprising how that internal coat helped keep condensation at bay too.


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PB - I am using protostar flocking paper which is supposed to be serious stuff and not shed fibres plus its supposed to be rugged enough for use in the field.

The protostar website is HERE

I got it from this guy HERE

Not sure if I would flock an SCT to be honest - dont know enough about them to be able to advise really. I have only ever seen flocking done on Newtonians - dont think I have ever seen it done on an SCT but I cant see any reason why it shouldnt work.

I gather SCTs are swinish to collimate so I;d be really reluctant to mess about with an SCT.

Next week I will be getting a small Mak which will be a whole new field for me to learn really though its only a tiddler so I dont suppose it will be very taxing.

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Thanks for the links AB :)

I have had the SCT apart a few times.. they are "interesting" to collimate and have to make sure that the FCP goes back in exactly the same place as it was originally fitted... properly shimmed and the fixing screws not overtightened..

Bobs Knobs help with collimation as does a fibre star and Metaguide software.....

There's nowt wrong with lickle maks I still got my ETX105 although its currently of it's mount and on the 8" hopefully the Megrez 72 i'm trying to buy will turn up next week though :D


I'd seen this see....


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Does the flocking paper shed fibres at all... I guess if you get the right stuff it doesn't... I have been thinking of doign my CPC800 SCT but seeign as its a closed system then I'd liek to kow that i wasnt introducing a source of "fibres" into the OTA...

Any good links to flocking info and suppliers?



The protostar stuff Mel linked above wasn't available when I was looking around - at least AFAIK there were no UK dealers at the time.

I ordered my flocking paper from ScopeStuff (USA).

More than likely, it's the same stuff or at least very similar.

It doesn't shed fibres, it's completely waterproof and the self adhesive is very very strong - once it's stuck down it ain't coming off in a hurry :)

I've seen webpages somewhere detailing flocking SCT's so it can be done.

I see you've found one.

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