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I don't think the quality of service from FLO is the issue, or indeed can it be brought in to question.  There are plenty of threads on here that confirm this beyond any doubt.  The question is about having the ability to phone, and whilst this may be the preferred route for some, it isn't for many, including the supplier in this case.  If you just accept that email is the method of contact you will soon find that it is, in fact, very good, and does give the supplier the chance to research the answers to your queries thoroughly, rather than answering cold and possibly needing to look in to it more to give you a reasoned response, usually including very useful options or alternatives.

Also FLO don't really "advertise" on the site, they sponsor it, so we do have an awful lot to thank them for. 

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I prefer e-mail at work. It is nice to speak to people but I like the trail you have with e-mail. When giving information to customers enquiries I always e-mail the details.

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I think FLO have it right when it comes to avoiding the telephone as a means of communication.  Telephones in a business environment are disruptive and intrusive: it’s like having someone sat next to you, shouting “STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND SPEAK TO ME SPEAK TO ME SPEAK TO ME NOW!” E-mails allow for a considered response at a time that suits the receiver, which surely is the polite and civilised way of doing business, assuming the response is reasonably prompt.  Few would fault FLO on that, I think...

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23 hours ago, Hallingskies said:

I think FLO have it right when it comes to avoiding the telephone as a means of communication.  Telephones in a business environment are disruptive and intrusive: it’s like having someone sat next to you, shouting “STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND SPEAK TO ME SPEAK TO ME SPEAK TO ME NOW!” E-mails allow for a considered response at a time that suits the receiver, which surely is the polite and civilised way of doing business, assuming the response is reasonably prompt.  Few would fault FLO on that, I think...

Any business running a Counter Service  Flo. Don't have such a facility, their work is mainly receiving, packaging and dispatching orders.  No Counter.
If there is  a counter service Wherever., invariably there will be customers waiting for various reasons, mostly during busy periods in the day.  Should a telephone ring, I think it should be answered withing a reasonable time, if  nothing else but to take the callers number, with a promise to ring back ASAP, as our Counter service staff are very busy.
Callers will in the main accept that with  good grace.  Odd ones won't of course, you always get the "I want it now" characters, you have to use diplomacy with those ?.
It also shows those waiting that ignoring the telephone does not happen in that establishment. The phone is an integral part of any business, and 
should never be totally ignored.  


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