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Which eyepiece for dso ?

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Hi Krishnam, you need low power for most DSO's, so I would suggest something like a 32mm Plössl, this will give about 37x magnification. however, if you can get hold of it a widefield ep would be better, something like the Sky Watcher 32mm SWA PanaView or anything similar of 70° or above.  After this something like a 13mm giving 92x would be good for globular clusters or small planetary nebulae.  Good luck with your search. 

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39 minutes ago, rwilkey said:

Hi Krishnam, you need low power for most DSO's, so I would suggest something like a 32mm Plössl, this will give about 37x magnification. however, if you can get hold of it a widefield ep would be better, something like the Sky Watcher 32mm SWA PanaView or anything similar of 70° or above.  After this something like a 13mm giving 92x would be good for globular clusters or small planetary nebulae.  Good luck with your search. 

I forgot to tell that it has 2" as well as 1.25" focuser . These ep are of 1.25" focuser , right ? Also tell ep of 2" focuser as well . 

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As dismissive as it sounds, the answer is the one that reveals the DSO and best frames it given the telescope used. DSOs range from small and bright double stars and planetary nebulae to huge and faint emission nebulae, open clusters and galaxies. In other words, there's not really a specific eyepiece that works best for DSOs or for anything else really.

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20 minutes ago, Krishnam kalra said:

2000 rs

29 USD?  What do you already have eyepiece wise?  $29 doesn't get you much beyond a basic Plossl.

What sort of observing have you been doing?  I find the neighborhood around 75x to work well for many Messier DSOs.  In that case, you're look for something in the 16mm range, give or take a few millimeters.  I have no idea what eyepieces are available at what prices in India to make any further recommendations.

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Something on ebay like a 20mm Erfle would be reasonably wide field. For such a low price pre-owned will have better bargains. More variety with 1.25 ins. 

A F6 will be OK with more modest & older designs. 


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