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Wish I knew where I am going wrong with this

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I now have two scopes  on a pier mount, the plan was to use one for widefield and the other for lunar/planets. This is my process that I have benn doing the last year, Start sgpro and CDC, slew to a bright object (Lyra etc), I then copy the coordinates from cdc, I go back on sgpro and click "target" and I paste the coordinates in there and click "centre now". Plate solve two comes up and does its thing and I end up with Lyra bang in the centre. Here is my problem, if I disconnect everything and load the MAK scope and camera and go through the same process it will not plate solve I have checked everything I am obviously missing something but cant see what im missing. I have taken screen shots so any advice most welcome. The annoying thing is it did work once but i cant see anything I have changed, the new camera is the ZWOASI 224 colour and the MAK is a 127, the ED80/ASI1600 combo works . any ideas what im missing here?






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I have one suspection: you don't have enough stars in the field of  view with the MAK, that is why plate solving fails. Maybe try to use 4x4 binning, so you have 16 times more sensitivity on the sensor. Hopefully you get is sorted out soon !

Clear skies,



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Hi guys, as I said it worked the first night but after that it wouldnt, now I am not sure if I changed anything but honestly dont think I did. when it fails it does the blind solve and comes back successfully solved ( but from there I dont know how to use that then to say centre an image) . So with the blind solve working I,m presumming its picking up enough stars. I havnt downloaded no narrower field files so perhaps this is the problem

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