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Orion Optics UK ODK12

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Hi Everyone,

I'm looking for anyone who has experiance of Orion Optics UK and the ODK line of telescopes.  I actually live about 20mins from them and put a small deposit on an ODK12 (12" Optimised Dall Kirkham).  To be honest I'd been looking at this range for some time and the 12" was the largest I could afford and mount.

However I have since done a bit more reseach on the Company and have found conflicting reports about quality, customer service and willingness to fix issues.  In fact there are some horror stories out there.  These scopes are not cheap so I'm looking for opinions off people so I can determine if I should continue with the order or not (at risk of loosing the deposit).



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Notwithstanding OOUK's variable reputation I know that they are capable of very good optics and I have seen some outstanding images from their ODK instruments. They are expensive and seem to exchange hands at quite a secondhand price drop. If you live that close I would have thought you could make an appearance regularly to check the progress.

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Because it's OOUK keep a good record of all communication and correspondence to hand in case you're not completely happy which is slightly possible, but probably unlikely. As long as you have this you'll be ok if you have an issue. I didn't and it cost me £21 to return something that I hadn't even ordered.

Best of luck.

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Have a look at Peter Shah's new ODK scopes at http://656imaging.co.uk/

Peter has been working as a technical consultant for many years for Orion and he is a lovely person person to boot.

I have seen just how good the results have been whilst he was testing his latest, and it is truly amazing, I believe his prices are exceptional as well.

NB Edit I need to add out of honesty that I do know Peter and have spent quite sometime with him whilst he was sorting a problem for me, my mate has just bought one and the images from Peter were truly beautiful.

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I had an ODK10 for some time that I bought directly from OO. I'd read the horror stories and it was with some trepidation that I picked up the phone and spoke with Barry. We agreed on a delivery date (to Spain) and I left them to it to make my scope. I had a 3 month wait and I phoned Barry up 3x in that time to check how it was all going. Barry promised me a cracking scope and when I received it I was pleased. It really was a good scope and had my circumstances been different I'd have kept it for sure. 

I'm not saying that my experience is the norm or out of the ordinary..... I have certainly heard things that are not favourable in the slightest... But I can only speak as I find. The communication was good, the timing was bang on and the scope was quality all round.

Hope that helps :) 

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personally i wouldn't worry - ive bought from them also, whilst there are stories out there, if something goes wrong they do respond, also they did respond to queries around delivery. Still got mine and my most used scope, very pleased with it (OO12" newt F4) jamie 

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Thanks everyone.  Have had rather a lot of responses, so thank you to each of you.  Seems to be a mix of good and bad.  I'm luck as I'm only a 20 minute drive from them, so any problems and I can camp out on their doorstep.

Clear skies everyone.

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