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California dreaming ... Me too :-)


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I had planned the California nebula for my second target last night but did did a small mistake and saw Perseus move over the roof of my house after just 7x5 minutes of exposures. I've tried to bring out some detail in processing, hope you don't think it looks too fake :undecided:

As usual WO Megrez 90 w/0.8 reducer and modified canon 10D.

13 flats, 13 dark flats and 4 darks subtracted (will do a new stack with all my 17 darks later to remove amp glow bottom left!)

This is a resample of the full image, no cropping.


(click to enlarge)

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Nice detail Glenn,

Do you use anything to plan framing before you start imaging?

I'm using TheSky6 I have the FOV's of all my scope/FR/camera setup entered so taht I can

try and work out which setup is best to use. I can also then work out what angle to rotate the camera to and pick some likely guide stars. I also sometimes position the scope at a specific RA/DEC location to get the field i'm after :undecided:

Have you measured that OTA yet :)


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Hi Billy. You're pointing out some great advice here. My California image could have had better framing (AND more subs). I think I've lost some of it on my left side. Guide stats is no longer a problem after I got my guide rings; I always seem to find something in the finder that I can use.

I'll check out TheSky :-)

Measuring up OD (and will not post it here) later tonight :-)

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You've caught the nebulosity well but as Billy has said it's a pity you didnt rotate the camera.

I'll practice planning and framing. I also have to make a chart that says what way the image will move when I press the RA/DEC buttons on the hand cotroller :-) You know, the old "Left means up", "Right means down" etc :-)

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