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IC 1805. Heart nebula under medium conditions


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I have been aching to give this one some quality time since it's a real good match for my FOV and modified DSLR. I am quite happy compared to my previous result but the conditions were not all that good last night so I think I can make this even better under more DSO friendly conditions.

28x5 minutes. William Optics Megrez 90 w/0.8 reducer. Canon 10D modified. Guided with HEQ5 PRO and brand new guide rings from FLO. Love them already!

13 flats, 13 flat darks, and 17 darks.

The processing is still very basic and I'll keep posting if I make significant improvements. I really want to preserve the star colour that now is lost in stretching and detail enhancement.

This is a full frame (no crop). Rally happy with the flats this time :-)


(click to enlarge)


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Well done Glenn. Its a fantastic target, but one which isnt easy for some reason when it comes to processing.

I always think the little feature on the left looks like a little cartoon character, with little piggy eyes! Dunno if that bit has its own name?



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Some really nice detail in thta data Glenn and I am sure you'll bring the very best out of it...

As for the "pig" reigon we already have the Pacman Nebula so why not the "porky" nebula :undecided:

Just been Depressed by the weather forecast no opportunities to image till at least Wednseday night :)


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Great shot,with very nice colour and detail. :)

As for what it looks like..........if you turn the image 180 All I see is a very small male member with unfeasibly large testicles( not sure what that says about me though) :undecided: .


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