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M31 Andromeda


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Well, I've really been round the houses on this one, spending far too long, hour after hour, playing with this and that. But at least it's taught me something, no image is worth it, so if in future a shot requires more than an hours processing, I dont think i'll bother. Oh, that and paying more attention to the finer details during imaging, as no amount of processing can make up for that.

M31 - Canon 400D on a WO72 - Dark sky, various exposures and iso, altogether 4 hours. I have applied a teeny bit of surface blur to get rid of the nasty stripes left by DSS, still havent figured out what causes those yet.




(click to enlarge)

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Now that's a dam fine result Tim and one to be proud of. To get things in perspective have a look back at your first attempts and you will see how far you have come.

I have to agree and disagree on your comments on the capturing and the processing. Obviously you need good data in the first instance but you still need to spend time processing it to bring the best out of it. You can also rectify some faults with the data in post processing but this will always be a compromise as it can introduce artifacts of it's own. At the end of the day if you look at it as presented on the page and dont blow it up these artifacts are usually not apparent.



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Never say never.......

I just re ran the whole stack process without the darks, and those nasty stripes have all disappeared. That should clear the way for a lot cleaner sharper result. I'll have to take a look at the whole dark process and see what is going wrong, i'm just glad to have found the reason for those artifacts.

Looks like its back to square one :)

(Kevin, If I told you that I have spent probably 20 hours or more with this data, not necessarily on this result one, then you'll understand where I am coming from. never again!! :undecided: )

No matter what results we get, M31 is surely one of the most spectacular natural objects we are ever likely to be privileged to see. getting ANY pictures of something so far away is a reward in itself, so I'm more than happy :)



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Its a cracker of an image TJ - your time has been well spent on two counts, first you have a great image to show for the time spent but secondly, playing with 'this and that' is great way to learn your own unique processing style. Keep at it.

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Yup, do get a nice image of M31 was one of my main intentions.

There is still more to be had from the equipment I have though, and I want to get the very best out of it that I can.

I think it is going to involve taking darks away IN camera at the time of the original image, as there are certain artifacts getting left behind in the stacking process that are ruining the end result when you stretch the image, meaning that the true colours are not able to be reproduced easily.

I think there is more to be had from the data I have for this shot, but am now at a loss as to how to get the most out of it. I may try stacking it in 30 min increments, and then stacking the results. Or maybe a whole re run of the darks.



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