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NGC6888 Crescent Nebula


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Here are 2 versions of the Crescent Nebula.

One is with my Atik 16IC using the Ha filter.

The other is using my newly modded 400D.

From the comparison it appears that the modded 400D produces excellent results,

as there is not a whole lot more detail showing in the Ha version.

However the Atik is not the most sensitive chip, and my processing skills are very limited :undecided:

Atik - 18 x 20 mins (6 hours)

400D - 13 x 20 mins (4 hours)


(Viewing these images look really rubbish on one of my monitors, but on my other they look much better, hopefully they look OK on yours!)




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Unfortunately the Atik isnt quite big enough with my set up to pick up the full crescent.

This is the first time I have viewed my images on a different monitor, I suppose when you process for one calibrated monitor, its bound to look a lot different on another one.

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Gaz, :undecided:

To my eyes, the Atik version has far more 'body' to it than the DSLR version. Saying that though, neither are too shabby :). If your eastern horizon is good and you don't mind waiting a while for it to come up, NGC 1579 in perseus is a pretty small emission nebula that'd fit well on your camera's chip.


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Nice captures Arran :undecided:

I think my modded 350D is going to save me spending on a cCD . filters and wheel for a while as its just so convenient and the larger senosr size certainly help with the bigger taragets...

Now where did i put my cloud filter... getting severe withdrawl symptoms again...


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Nice, really nice. I prefer the DSLR, but then I would :undecided:

It'd be interesting to see the 400D's image cropped to the same Crescent size as the Atiks, then desaturate and compare the finer details..

I'd be tempted to take the Ha data, selectively cut and paste it as a new layer into the DSLR pic, and use it to increase the luminosity of the crescent, but i'm not sure it really needs it, as the canon has done a fine job on its own.


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Thanks Billy, I am starting to agree! Although I do really want a much more sensitive CCD.

However modding a DSLR really seems to make a huge difference :undecided:

Glenn these are 20 minute subs, I have been increasing from 10 to 15 and now 20.

I think next time I am gonna try my luck with 30 mins.

TJ below is the full size crop, desaturated.

I did try adding the data as luminosity, but it did not make any major improvements.


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