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M42 again!!!


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Sorry Guys and Gals, i know i have posted one M42 this week, hopefully nobody gets tired of seeing this beauty though.....

The night again didnt start off great, think my mount and synscan had a mind of its own for the first couple of hours....Then what with the wind and the moonlight any sane person would of given up and packed away for the night......But i persevered and by around half 2 the moon had set and the wind had died down somewhat so i finally got down to doing some imaging......

I know those of you who have seen any of my images previously know that im a 25sec sub guy......Well i thought it was about time to throw those 25 sec subs out of the window and start working with longer subs.....

M42 was one of 4 targets for the night so i didnt end up with a lot of subs on this one but heres the result......


(click to enlarge)

10 x 60 second subs @ ISO 800

7 x 90 second subs @ ISO 800 (lost 2 in the stack)

Darks used........

The only thing with the longer subs on this one is that this time the Trapezium looks burnt out, i guess i cant have it both ways.....

Anyway, Enjoy



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Hi Mark,

I reckon you can never have too many shots of any object as each one alwyas give you a different "view" of an object :undecided:

Thats a really Nice image... :)

You can have it both ways by some fancy stacking of a larger range of exposure times in your image editing software...there are several different methods for achieving the effect including stacking and selectively erasing parts of different layers to allow lower layers to show through.

I use a method where you vary the opacity of the various layers having a stack with the shortest exposures on the top to the longest on the bottom.

I haven't tried this on a shot as wide as this yet though.


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You mustn't apologise for posting images Mark, no matter how many times it's the same object, and anyway, theres nowt nicer than M42. :undecided:

I really like the pastel colours you have produced with this, and as far as the Trap. burn out, I believe there are ways to preserve it in processing, but that's an area for the real experts, which rules me out I'm afraid. It is a nice result you've got just the same.

Ron. :)

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Thanks all for your replies.......

Billy, i still have a lot to learn when it comes to how to process the data i capture, i suppose it will come with more practice......

I was very pleased with my result from last night though, it was a big improvement from my M42 the other night, sometimes i tend to overdo things like adjusting Hue/Sat too much, and one thing that was missing from the other night were darks.......I made sure these were included in this stack and when it came to processing the data didnt touch the hue/sat this time, just lightened up the image a little.......

Most of this year when it comes to imaging has been about finding out what i can capture from my location, light pollution is a big factor here and i have struggled to capture some targets although now that i have come full circle and its a little over a year since i got into astronomy i can now concentrate on spending more time imaging one object than very little time imaging several objects in the night.......


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Great image Mark! and good on you for getting up to 90secs subs. The central core in M42 is very bright so it's easy to get it burned out but I think you've done a fine job on preserving quite a bit of detail. :undecided:


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Lovely rich but subtle colours,spot on focus. :thumbright:

I use elements6 as much as i use CS2,great "watered down" version.

I get jealous when i see all the early M42 images being posted,little too low for me yet,in fact a lot too low :undecided:

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