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Astronomik CCD Clip or None CCD?????? ?

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Hi all,

Am I correct in saying that if your DSLR is modded (with the inbuilt IR filter removed) then it's the *CCD* Clip filter you need?  The CCD term is confusing since it implies CCD cameras....!  I have a Canon 450d that I modded some years ago but the light pollution is hideous in exposures longer than about 60s and I need to do something about this.

I read these filters can't be used with EF-S lenses.  Can they be used with the Samyang 14mm and 135mm does anyone know please?

I've been getting more and more interested in wide-field because it gives more immediate results in the UK skies than hours of needed LRGB exposures with CCD's and telescopes.

Thanks, Steve

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You're right, it's the CCD version that you need. I used to have one, it worked great on LP with my modded 450D. You just have to get used to processing out the teal coloured cast your subs will have, but that's easily done :)

I don't know about the Samyang lens question though :/

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I think your correct in saying they can't be used with certain lenses but I can't say which ones. I looked at these and kind of skipped over the EF-S lense warning as I don't own any. In the end, I purchased the Skytech CLS CCD clip filter for my modded 600d as they are a bit cheaper. In subs over 120 seconds I do still get orange glow in my stacked image but my back garden is cursed with 3 streetlights. I can still process it out though. I done a little review:




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