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NGC 7635, M52 and neighbours in Ha SIII Ha OIII


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Hi all

Lovely clear night last night until the fog came in at 4.30am, I didn't finally thaw myself out till about 11am (going to get myself a down jacket tomorrow). After making some fine adjustments to the polar alignment I thought I would have a go at the Bubble nebula again, but this time using all three narrow band filters instead of just Ha (posted earlier in the summer)

Using my trusty TMB 115 with field flattener, FLI filter wheel and SX H36 camera on my Paramount ME I managed to get 6x10 minutes unguided exposures for each channel before the fog called a halt to the session, the last 2 subframes for OIII and SII were shot through thin fog. I used the HST palette i.e. SII Ha OIII for RGB and I also used the same Ha data for the luminance channel. The image is a bit noisy as I definitely need more subframes especially for the SII and OIII channels, the images were dark subtracted using 10 median combined dark frames that I took earlier in the summer, no flats were used.

I have enclosed a cropped closeup to show the main subjects of the picture in more detail, the full widefield image is on my website http://www.imagingtheheavens.co.uk in the nebulae section of the image gallery

Thanks for looking

Best wishes and clear skies




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