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m84 and whale

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Hi everyone. With the galaxies sinking lower each night and with April being so cloudy, we're trying to catch up. Of these two, the whale is higher and crosses later so that may be the one to gather more snaps, although the galaxy group around m84 looks nice too. Not sure... Oh and experimenting with the new de-noise algorithm in gimp-2.10. Not sure either... Any comments and choices most welcome. Thanks for looking and clear skies.

700d + 250p: 1h 25' and 0h 45' @ ISO800



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1 hour ago, Susaron said:


Hi. Good point. We still don't have a basic workflow as we keep trying new methods. We had a go with the PI trial version but it seemed stuck in the old days of endless pull down menus and stretch and hope algorithms. May go back and have another go as things may have improved over the year or so when we sampled it. Meanwhile, the new Gimp has some nice new stuff and StarTools is going a long way to bring astro software into this millennium. Still thinking... Salu2.

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I bought Warren Keller´s book Insight PixInsight, but take a look to these tutorials from Keyron, very very detailed.

To me the most important thing to learn in Pix is how to create a apply the masks, once this concept is well learnt is a matter of fine tunning some parameters on every processing step.


Once you find your settings for a galaxy, a nebula and for clusters is a quite fast and straightforward process.


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