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First time trying primary focus photography

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Hi All,

I have been lurking on these forums for a while but this is my first time posting so please be gentle. I have been getting into astronomy and managed to "see" a few things, obviously the moon, double stars and a few DSO's. However I also want to take pictures of the things I have seen in the eyepiece so I got my self a T ring adaptor for my Nikon D5200.

My other kit just includes all the basic accessories that come with the Skywatcher Explorer 150p. After some messing around I manage to get some pictures however the magnification is no where near as sharp as what I could see myself through the eye piece. My set up it to basically screw my 2x barlow to the T ring adaptor and slide that in as if it was a lense into the scope. I then used view mode so i could see Jupiter and used 5 x magnification so i could focus the scope better (I shad to extend the scope by about 1/2" before Jupiter would get into focus).

I have included a picture of my set up and the best picture I could get (picture taken at 1:33am in Swinton, backgarden), I also took a number of pictures including a .mov of Jupiter just in case I could some how stack these images (I briefly read about that technique on some other web page/forum). Any help on how I could improve this image would be useful (kit / techniques) cheers.




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You might get more sharper details from any images if you stack them, and then apply wavelets to the images. You can do this in a free program called Registax.Here’s my first image of Jupiter taken last night just after the transit of Ganymede. This is the best 50 images of 1000 processed images processed through Registax, then edited a little in Photoshop. This brings out much more detail than with just a single image. :) 


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That is a fantastic image, hoping one day to come close to that. So even if all the images (~10 images and a 22s .mov) which I took last night are of the same resolution as the image I included in my first post would registax still work? You said you used 50 images out of a 1000 would I need to achieve this? I only have a remote for my dslr and I don't have any tracking moters. 

Sorry so many question but there seems to be so many variables doing this...hobby :icon_biggrin:



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Does anyone else have any advise? How do I get a larger / clearer image using my 150p or is that not possible? 


How do I take 1000+ pictures of my subject planet using my D5200 dslr with remote? 

Any more advice would be greatly recieved even if that advise is to give up. 

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You really need your mount to track and take AVIs which you can then stack the best images from. To get a suitable image scale you also need a Barlow/Powermate in the image train. Planetary cameras - fast frame rate like the ASI224 or similar - give best results.


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