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Odd street lights (not usual LED) green laser?


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A bit of an odd question.  A month or so ago I was over at my parents and noticed something odd about the streetlights.  They were moved to LED a while ago and looked a bit blue on the road, the odd bit was that above the lights there was a noticeable green cast. The green was so noticeable and elevated that it looked like an aurora, in the middle of Kent. I do keep meaning to take a photo of it, but haven't had time yet.

Tonight while walking home  I noticed some odd green light from the streetlights, so I recorded it. Hopefully the attachment works, ypu should see a green point floating around the bottom of the video, and the emitter appears to be on top of the lamppost. Any idea what its doing? Is its just to detect movement and turn the streetlight on?



20180504_210539 1.mp4

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6 hours ago, Marci said:

Have a read of https://iotuk.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/The-Future-of-Street-Lighting.pdf

Essentially, yep, motion detection partnered with onboard communications.

That is an interesting report @Marci ...(though no mention of how we can control the thing, (ie turn the damn thing off), from our smartphones)! :evil62:

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