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What is this?


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First off I didn't believe the garbage about the end of the world on 4/23 and the planet Nibiru colliding with the Earth, but I have a freind who is very religious and does believe in that stuff. He was sure that Nibiru was going to collide with us and he kept directing me to web sites that had images and videos of objects that obscurred the sun. I didn't know what to make of it, but I did not believe that the world was going to end. Today 5/1/2018 he took a picture in his back yard in Michigan and he sent it to me this evening. Once again I don't believe in this rubbish, but what is going on in this picture that he took today? Let me also say that he is by no stretch of the imagination a photographer and doesn't know anything about f-stops, shutter speeds, ISO ratings or any other parts of the workings of a camera. He also doesn't know anything about Photoshop or any other image editing software. Don't ask me how, but I do know from the picture that this was taken in his back yard. Does anyone have any idea what is going on with the Sun in this image?


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I have seen this effect before (its not that rare), when the Sun is behind clouds sometimes the clouds just adjacent to the Sun in the sky appear as bright or brighter than the Sun itself (at least on the camera sensor). It normally happens when a thicker bank of cloud occludes the Sun (making it appear dimmer) but thinner cloud surrounds it. The thinner cloud scatters the light and appears very bright. Although I can't be completely sure since the photo is over-exposed.

As for the reddish colour, I agree with the previous post that it is probably atmospheric dispersion.

As a side note for your friend, it this were another planet and this picture was taken during the day, you would expect to see a phase (a light side and dark side).

HTH Dan :happy7:

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Looks like its just flaring through high clouds - the moon did the exact same thing a few weeks ago, absolutely spectacular, a massive perfect halo around it never seen anything like it.

In this case it looks like the AWB of the camera has got upset and coloured the central super blown out section a  slightly different colour.

Dont point your camera at the sun kids...


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It's a japanese flag (see attachment! :))

Seriously though it's not Nibiru as everybody else has said. It's the sun behind cloud of varying density affecting the degree to which the light is scattered. If it were Nibiru, not only would you expect to see a phase, but it would be absolutely massive, and emitting a lot of light to account for this image. There would be other signs of its presence/existence  


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