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PVS-14 Night Vision Eyepiece - Just arrived

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Secret Mission to see more stuff - Codename "BigDob"


Base>“BigDob, locate Papa-Victor-Sierra-Fourteen in shed at bottom of the garden, confirm?”

BigDob> “Roger that”

Base> “Collect intel and move to extraction site, confirm?”

BigDob> “Roger that, approaching shed location now, plenty of cloud cover!”

BigDob> “Fraser, get that shed door open!”

BigDob> “Entering shed now”

BigDob> “Papa-Victor-Sierra-Fourteen located - it’s already in the focuser!”

Base> “Take photographs and gather all available intel”

BigDob> “Roger that, taking photographs now”

BigDob> “Mission accomplished, we are heading to the extraction site now”

Base> “Roger, Extraction team arrival imminent”


to be continued...

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I have now tested my night vision device in my very dark garage. Its amazing to read the numbers on the dartboard and see the time on the clock in the pitch black!

The device itself is very lightweight indeed.

You insert a AA battery that powers it for up to 50hrs (there is a battery warning light that comes on in the display when the battery is running out). There is a knob for On/Off/Infra Red and another knob for "gain control" (you increase/decrease gain to get the picture that is most pleasing. As you decrease gain the image darkens but Signal Noise Ratio (SNR) is increased (something to play with at the eyepiece).

The eyepiece has a Diopter dial to dial in your eye sight prescription. You can twist the front to focus an object.

My device has "auto-gating" option which helps the device protect itself from bright light.

Here are some initial pics, firstly here are all the delivered bits & bobs... (including a headset so you can play special forces as night!)


Here is the PVS-14 attached to a TeleVue 55mm Plossl and loaded into Big Dob (f3.6)




Here is the PVS-14 attached to a TeleVue 55mm Plossl and loaded into my Borg (f6.7)


And here is the spec for my intensifying tube.


Now I just need some clear sky to get out there and see what it can do!


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Looks like @GavStars… but you got a skullcrusher and J-arm… very jealous! With it riding at that altitude I’d add some form of safety rope  in case  it makes a bid for freedom. I have a nice wrist strap for when I let people look through it. I’d look out for a 3x lens for really wide star vistas and non-astro use.



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45 minutes ago, PeterW said:

Looks like @GavStars… but you got a skullcrusher and J-arm… very jealous! With it riding at that altitude I’d add some form of safety rope  in case  it makes a bid for freedom. I have a nice wrist strap for when I let people look through it. I’d look out for a 3x lens for really wide star vistas and non-astro use.



I had no idea its called a  "skull crusher"! There are no instructions on how to put it together. Probably have a search on the internet in the morning now I know what it's called :) 

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You can get helmets that it could fit to, but then you go from “ninja” to “soldier”...

maybe you need to get another unit.. one to observe with, one to move about with, or you could make, true NV binoculars! ;-)

Have fun in the darkest piece of woodland you can find!


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