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What is in your "Do not sell" case?


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Mine has: Vixen 32mm Erfle; 20mm Erfle; Vixen 10mm LV, 50mm NLV, 42mm, 22mm and 13mm LVWs; Tele Vue 55mm, 40mm, 32mm Plossls, Paracorr 2, Panoptic 35mm; Baader Eudiascopic 35mm; Astro Physics diagonal; Zeiss Abbe 2x Barlow.

Forever scope is my Tele Vue Genesis with Panoramic mount and wooden tripod.

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Being brutally honest, nothing is. Many of my items are in the "highly unlikely" and "you will probably regret this" category but nothing is completely sacrosanct. You never know what might be around the corner with equipment ...... :smiley:


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I almost agree John, but It has taken me so long to acquire my set of UO Volcano top Ortho's that I will never part with them now.

Similarly my Panoptic and Nagler pairs are in the extremely unlikely  category.

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Like John, there is nothing that I have ever owned that I would be taking to the grave with me.  I have owned BGOs, Naglers, Panoptics, Radians, Ultimas, and have sold them off, usually to buy something else.

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What is in your "Do not sell" case?

BST Starguiders and my Panaview.
All the 'good stuff' has gone, sold, as per the signature.
I say 'good' but really, they were just recommended, and good or bad, you wont know until you try them for yourself, I have no regrets selling them.

I could sell my Plössl's  and SPL's if I could obtain the only 6mm BST Starguider on the Planet that @John teased me with, with his 6mm rendition?
For my eyes, favouring EP's with 60° afov, on my f/6 scope, the ED Starguider set works very well for my needs, comfort being the main issue.


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14 hours ago, John said:

Being brutally honest, nothing is. Many of my items are in the "highly unlikely" and "you will probably regret this" category but nothing is completely sacrosanct. You never know what might be around the corner with equipment ...... :smiley:


Spot on, John.

I've lost count of how many eyepieces I've sold on despite having said to myself that I never would.

I think there are several reasons for this:

1. Sometimes it's just financial "needs must" - at the end of the day, our hobby is just that - a hobby. So, if a family need, for example, crops up which needs urgent attention financially, I think most of us would just help out our family without a second thought - at the end of the day, few eyepieces are irreplaceable.

2. I just like trying different eyepieces out, and as you said  we never know what new or interesting purchasing opportunities are around the corner.

3. We can be influenced by fellow stargazers when reading reviews, and I suspect many of us have over-built expectations of a new type of eyepiece, far beyond the actual ability of it to outperform whatever we currently have. In my experience most "bright new things" offer, at best, only a very marginal performance benefit, often at much higher cost.

I'm slowly learning as I get older to be content with what I have..Better to try to improve my observing techniques rather than pursue an endlessly and ultimately unsatisfying "Quest for Perfection"..☺.


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Well having been through a very lean period, the things that have survived even under very heavy pressure have been as follows:

A set of BGOs, a 3 to 6 Nag Zoom and a 24mm Panoptic. If push came to shove then I would keep the 12.5mm and the 18mm BGOs, the rest could go.

My white light solar kit is high on the list which is a Baader CoolWedge, Mark IV Binoviewers, along with my AP Barcon and a pair of 25mm Zeiss Ortho. This kit works so well and would be hard to put together again so has resisted every pressure so far.

Of course, the Tak that this all goes in is pretty core to it all, and a decent diagonal but they come and go.

Simply put, I keep the things that would be hard to replace except at much greater expense or through having to wait ages for them to appear on the used market.

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6 minutes ago, F15Rules said:

I'm slowly learning as I get older to be content with what I have.

That is key for me. I’ve got to a stage where I know what works and am happy with it. This particularly applies to my white light kit; I spent so long messing around with different setups but now know that what I have performs as well or better than anything else so I’m sticking with it.

With the conditions we have, it is impossible to build up a consistent view of what is the best kit because seeing is so variable. I am sticking with the kit I have got, when I get some spare cash then it already has a home to go to... then after that I have a list of stuff which I would mostly re-buy after having had it in the past.

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My choices are based on links to particular experiences or circumstances. They are therefore as much memory as useful. 

The rest, which I ought to slim down, are nice but not so treasured. This 2018 weather so far, & being unwell when there were good skies last year, has made me feel there is less purpose in sitting on stuff that is surplus. 

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Plossl 55mm as its essential for my NV setup.

Ethos 21mm - my favourite wide field eyepiece.

Pentax xw 30mm since I’d struggle to reaquire one.

Pentax xw 20mm for the lovely full disc views of the sun with my Lunt 60mm

Pentax xw 5mm for planetary viewing with my refractors

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Due to a series of unfortunate financial events, I’ve just slimed my Astro gear down to the minimum. 

My Delos 6,8,10,12,17.3 won’t go anywhere. I’ve just sold my Panoptic 24mm which I will really miss. The 21mm Ethos was a real wrench too.

I’ve also rehomed my ED120.

The home brew 100mm Ha Solar scope is staying though!



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4 hours ago, 25585 said:


I am an owner/hoarder not user these days.


Really? Would be great to see you getting some observing reports in with this kit, sure people would be very interested.

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