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1 minute ago, Demonperformer said:

Basically because I already have all the materials for AT from when it was running on my windoze 7 machine, so I don't have to worry about it wanting to connect to the internet. In addition, I was only using APT as a requirement for PS2, and if I can get AT working on SC then I can completely remove APT/PS2 and free up that space for extra image files.

OK. My machine is in the observatory that runs SharpCap and as i have hurt my back cannot look at it in a live setting at the moment

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42 minutes ago, spillage said:

Have you tried on the sharpcap forum?

I have done a search on the sharpcap forum, but did not find anything that helped. I'm not registered on that forum, so that would be an extra hassle. The writer of Sharpcap (@rwg) is a member on here, so I may get be able to get an answer without the need to register there :icon_biggrin:.

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4 minutes ago, m.tweedy said:

I still use APT as SharpCap (that i have purchased the licence for) kept freezing so could not rely on it. 

My experience is precisely the reverse (which is not to doubt what you are saying). I have also found sharpcap to be more efficient at some things. For example, early tests showed SC cooling my camera in about 3 minutes rather than 20. I also find SC to be more intuitive, but that is a very subjective thing and I know there are others who say the opposite.

I guess that, at the end of the day, it is one of those things that simply has to be put down to "personal preference".

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2 minutes ago, Demonperformer said:

But wouldn't that have a differnt pathway to the "save" location for the files and so still not give me additional space?

I just created a new file in D and changed my save function (or however it is described from C to D) then as far as i am aware everything should just write straight onto the stick. (again not tested because of foul weather and back)

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My point is that this shouldn't be necessary.

Unlike my previous laptop which was a general purpose instrument also used for AP, this has been purchased specifically for AP. Load on the programs that I need to install and nothing else. APT + PS2 + the UCAC3 index files take up just under 1GB of space, which gives me room for an extra 30+ subs. So if I can get away without having that prog on there, so much the better. At the same time, buying an extra stick (when there is quite a lot of spare space on the drive) and only using that to store data rather defeats the object of going for the upgraded ssd in the first place.

And, not only that, it should work!

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50 minutes ago, Demonperformer said:

I have done a search on the sharpcap forum, but did not find anything that helped. I'm not registered on that forum, so that would be an extra hassle. The writer of Sharpcap (@rwg) is a member on here, so I may get be able to get an answer without the need to register there :icon_biggrin:.

I would definitely join the sharpcap forum. Rwg is great with support. As an aside, do you have all your software communicating with ascom set to Run As Administrator? You can run into problems if you don't do this.

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7 minutes ago, Demonperformer said:


Go into the first tab FILE-SHARPCAP SETTINGS not TOOLS

then the tab should be there. 

I have downloaded SharpCap onto my desk top to check this out in the trial format

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10 minutes ago, cuivenion said:

I downloaded version 3.0.4076.0 and the plate solving function isn't there. Best thing to do is download the latest 3.1 version and use that. Maybe the quote before about 3.0 having plate solving was a typo on the site.

Well there you go. My download was the new version.


Mystery solved.

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Thanks, guys.

I did actually have a version of 3.1 on the windoze 7 machine, but at the time I installed it it was only a "being tested" version, so when planning the new laptop software my decision was to go for something "stable". However, looks as if things have moved on and so have downloaded the new file and will replace 3.0 with 3.1 on the laptop. Hopefully this will solve it.

Be back later when I have run a few tests.

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Think you may find Sharpcap needs Ascom mount connected to do plate solving - might be wrong - as this allows "sync" command else you would be syncing to nothing. You can of course use the demo ascom mount and CDC to est your image solving!

But blind solving doesn't use Ascom mount - it says

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Guys, sorry to burst any bubbles ...

* Sharpcap 3.1.5132 installed.
* Tools|Platesolver is there, but greyed out.
* Into File|Sharpcap Settings|Plate Solving
* AT not detected automatically, so went to enter it manually.

See screenprint:
Location of Astrotortilla.exe is Program Files(x86)\Astrotortilla\
When I browse to this location, Astrotortilla is not an available option.

Sorry if you thought issue 3 was "solved" already ...

@stash_old Not according to this page - fourth subheading (Blind Plate Solving). May be worth a try, but I'm not sure how that would tie-in with the "None detected" comment for the software. I could see it being there, but not working without a mount (even a simulated one), but the file not being found without a mount connected ...


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