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The Eagle has landed.....


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Well, I went to Kelling with the express hope of getting some images of the Eagle nebula M16.

It was impossible from our first pitch, so when the pro's had moved on (you know who you are :) ) I dragged my caravan, awning and all, onto a pitch further down, and set up where Darren had been. Of course, then the rain came, and then the wind, and boy was it windy. But one night it did clear a little and I hurriedly rushed out and set up, knowing that I would have at most 90 mins to get anything on M16.

I wish I had took it at F6.3 using the C9.25. I went for F10 to get closer to the pillars, but given the conditions that was a mistake, and swapping over and refocussing etc would have wasted the precious few minutes I had to see it. Oh well. PHD had to be set at 5 sec pauses, as the wind played hell with the guiding, and even then half the subs were ruined. I had to move my tent to give shelter one side, and my car for another, and in the middle I built a barricade of umbrellas and chairs, and the dew shield had to go and was replaced by a hair dryer! So a memorable night imaging, but for the wrong reasons. Oh also the usb cble to my DSI caught on my camera and dragged the wo72 past its focus point and loosened the focus clutch grub screw. Naturally I had no allen keys, and so had to fudge that back together too.....

So all in all, I was glad to get anything at all, and even more so given it was the one target I really wanted. It's a little soft I know, but I'm happy with it.




(click to enlarge)

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Man I admire your tenacity. Such adversity, but perseverence counts for a lot, and yours has given you some reward TJ. No mistaking the object, and it looks like you did it justice considering you've had to battle to do it. It's a very acceptable result. The guiding is good, as is the detail and colour. The thing is, you will get more, and better opportunities to nail this one.


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Well ya got it TJ , so darn annoying when these things happen, its a pretty good one , but not the one you wanted i know ,like Ron says , another time , i cant get this object now i have afixed Dome , could before when i could move around the garden ,oh well


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Nice one TJ, Your pitch up by the toilet block was just about as bad as it could get - but I did see some nice subs coming in....?

Sorry to hear about the kit as well, guess you won't be going away again without a full tool kit.



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