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NGC7822 - A 2 pane mosaic


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This was taken and finished a month or so ago... but it was originally started last year when I collected only the Ha. I came back to it to add colour this year with the dual Taks. Munching through the time the OIII and SII was collected in no time, but the orientation of the camera had changed and nothing seemed to match. Let's put it this way...... Once I'd put the panes all together and the filters, I was ready to put it in the bin....... There was no way it was going to work. I'll let you decide!

NGC 7822 is a young star forming complex in the constellation of Cepheus The complex encompasses the emission region designated Sharpless 171, and the young cluster of stars named Berkeley 59. The complex is believed to be some 3000 light years distant, with the younger components aged no more than a few million years. The complex also includes one of the hottest stars discovered within 1 kpc of the Sun, namely BD+66 1673, which is an eclipsing binary system consisting of an O5V that exhibits a surface temperature of nearly 45000 K and a luminosity ~100000 times that of the Sun. The star is one of the primary sources illuminating the nebula and shaping the complex's famed pillar of creation -type formations.

Mount: mesu 200
Scope: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x
Camera: QSI683 and Moravian G2-8300 with 3nm Astrodon filters

Pane 1
24x1800s Ha
20x1800s OIII
20x1800s SII

Pane 2
22x1800s Ha
20x1800s OIII
20x1800s SII

Total exposure time 63 hours.

You can see a larger version on my website...... https://www.swagastro.com/ngc7822.html

NGC7822_2 pane_HST.jpg

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Well I'm not sure which part didn't work for you with this Sara, but for me this is wonderful.  I love the colours, and the almost mono appearance of some areas.

Very nice and a very interesting target with a ton of detail.

Thanks for sharing, and also thanks for not binning it (the literal bin, not the sensor one).

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4 hours ago, RayD said:

Well I'm not sure which part didn't work for you with this Sara, but for me this is wonderful.  I love the colours, and the almost mono appearance of some areas.

Very nice and a very interesting target with a ton of detail.

Thanks for sharing, and also thanks for not binning it (the literal bin, not the sensor one).

If you'd have seen it when I fitted it all together Ray! Seriously I nearly cried LOL!!!

4 hours ago, carastro said:

An stunning result Sara, I have yet to do a mosaic.  Beautifully processed as usual.  

63 hours.  Amazing.


Thanks Carole - And I was planning for so much more with this project.... maybe next year :(

4 hours ago, Star101 said:

Looks great to me Sara. Love the colours.

As Ray says, glad you didn't throw it away.


Thanks! It was touch and go I can assure you.

4 hours ago, Filroden said:

That’s beautiful and a target I’ve not seen before. Reminds me of Darth Vader tilted 45 degrees.

Many thanks Ken ..... Can't say that I see Darth Vader though :D 

3 hours ago, PhotoGav said:

Great work Sara. My, what tiny stars you have! Obviously a couple of panes above and below will complete the project!! :wink:

Thanks Gav and I totally agree...... Had I not had to return 2 camera's to base for repair work, had a functioning guide camera, not had flexure, not had to change every single cable and not had to get a replacement stepper motor then I may have managed to do that extra work this year. I reckon that I've lost in excess of about 2 months imaging with this rig since I've set it up in November. 

2 hours ago, ultranova said:

So colourful, detailed  and vibrant,

I don't think I have seen it like this before ,love it

glad you didn't bin it Sara.

very nicely done


Thanks Paul - This came within a gnats whisker of never being processed :D 

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12 hours ago, Allinthehead said:

I have to echo Paul's reply. Wonderful detail, colour and a unique view of an interesting nebula.

Thank you Richard - I'm pleased that you like it :)

11 hours ago, astro mick said:

Taks my foot, i,m sure you have got a direct personal link to Hubble.

Its all been said Sara.


Cheers Mick........ If only eh? :D For the moment I'd be happy to have the dual rig working (It's out of commission again and has been for the last 2-3 weeks)

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Beautiful colours and depth Sara.  We wouldn't know it's a mosaic unless you told us. I for one can't see the join. This shows the value of going deep and getting masses of data.  Every time I see one of your images I'm tempted to have a go myself.

Hope you get the dual rig sorted soon. At least you've not missed much lately if your weather is anything like what we have in Alcalali!


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1 hour ago, swag72 said:

Thank you Richard - I'm pleased that you like it :)

Cheers Mick........ If only eh? :D For the moment I'd be happy to have the dual rig working (It's out of commission again and has been for the last 2-3 weeks)

Hi Sara.

I have now swopped back to a dual rig,but where as before i mounted the scopes side by side,it never seemed to work properly.Always had trouble with out of round stars in one of the scopes.

I have now reverted to piggyback, and its a made a big difference and am quite happy with it.

I use  two ED 80,s equipped with a SXV H9C OSC and a Atik 314L+ so all should be equal.

Obviously i dont know the problem you are having, but interested parties mignt glean something.

Hope you get it sorted.


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1 hour ago, Petergoodhew said:

Beautiful colours and depth Sara.  We wouldn't know it's a mosaic unless you told us. I for one can't see the join. This shows the value of going deep and getting masses of data.  Every time I see one of your images I'm tempted to have a go myself.

Hope you get the dual rig sorted soon. At least you've not missed much lately if your weather is anything like what we have in Alcalali!


Thanks Peter......glad that you can't see the join! Joys of using APP...... seamless mosaics ?

41 minutes ago, coatesg said:

That's a super image Sara, despite the alignment issues! (Rotators needed? ;-)

Colours are superb and punchy, yet retaining the subtle detail in the structure of the outer nebula.

Thanks Graeme..... I was thinking of a rotator for this rig, but the difference only happened as I changed cameras...... now this hasn't moved for months, so should be the same for next year.

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2 minutes ago, astro mick said:

Hi Sara.

I have now swopped back to a dual rig,but where as before i mounted the scopes side by side,it never seemed to work properly.Always had trouble with out of round stars in one of the scopes.

I have now reverted to piggyback, and its a made a big difference and am quite happy with it.

I use  two ED 80,s equipped with a SXV H9C OSC and a Atik 314L+ so all should be equal.

Obviously i dont know the problem you are having, but interested parties mignt glean something.

Hope you get it sorted.


The problem with piggy back is that it's not possible to use the adjustment saddle..... it only works side by side, so I couldn't align the scopes. The issues to be fair are no longer flexure..... that has been resolved...... for now it's the PC.

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18 hours ago, Barry-Wilson said:

Strong and vibrant Sara - presented with gusto and confidence.  Replendent (my word of the day!).

Always worth persevering with hard-won data and I hope you're changing your mind about deleting!

Thanks Barry  - I have changed my mind now about deleting it, but it was touch and go and a task that I was sure was going to beat me.

14 hours ago, Grumpy_Git said:

Which bin is it going in? I love a skip raid session...

I'll let you know next time I get to that stage :D 

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