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Lunar sketches 25/2/18


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I've just had a great session observing our moon. The detail around Sinus Iridium was just spankingly gorgeous, but impossible to draw. The little Tak really gives images so sharp it defies explanation at times, and using my binoviewer makes the experience even more jaw dropping.

Eventually after aimlessly touring the lunar surface I came across Werner, a crater that's held my attention for about a year. This time it was almost fully illuminated, and after studying it for a while, I found two fine cleft-like features which I've seen before, just on the border of detectability. Then I noticed a third fine linear cleft running parallel to the first I observed. These features are not visible in Lunar Orbited images but that could simply be because the lighting is overhead.

Next, after drawing the clefts within Werner, I stumbled upon a beautiful, perfectly formed lunar dome close to the small crater Milichius which is situated between Copernicus and the terminator on the night of observation. The Shield volcano was perfectly circular with a pit just visible at its summit. Anyhow, here are the sketches!



2018-02-25 19.52.09.jpg


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13 minutes ago, Alan White said:

Nice sketches and notes Mike.

Is the bino viewer the icing on the cake with the Tak the cake or the other way about?

In other words, does the Tak make the bigger part of the presented image or binoviewing?

Hi Alan,

First let me apologize for using the T word, its just I couldn't help myself! :icon_bounce:  I believe the binoviewer is the icing on the cake, as even when mono viewing the lunar views are breathtakingly sharp. :icon_biggrin:

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2 hours ago, Alan White said:

How did I know you would say that! ?


It's an illness! Don't pay any attention!!

In reallity any good 4" refractor will give breathtaking views of the moon; it doesn't have to be one of those scopes beginning with T, neither does it have to be an apo'. It just has to have a good lens! :icon_cyclops_ani:

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Thanks Shane!

I know it can be a difficult subject because of the amount of detail. I only began sketching the Moon relatively recently because it seemed so complex, and every time I had a go I seemed to make a mess of things. I think it helps if you decide beforehand when and where you draw the line ( that's nearly funny!) on the amount of detail you try to record, as once you start to draw it, so much more reveals itself. I pick simple subjects and try to stick to pre determined boundaries. For the Werner sketch, all I wanted to really show were the possible clefts, so I didn't delve too deeply into the complexities of the crater walls. The same applied to the Milichius sketch, where all I really wanted to show was the Dome nearby. With your excellent observing and sketching ability I'm certain you could get quite addicted to drawing the Moon Shane, especially while its high in the spring sky.

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