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Have fun with your new scope. Quite a shift from your original choice.

Can I ask you what changed your mind, was it the GoTo?

I know it will be very easy to find objects, so perhaps that is what appealed to you.

Best of luck with it.

Ron. :)

Yeah the goto was a great thing to see in action! but it was the portability of it and the realisation that the scope that i was after was just way over the top, as i am new to all this i felt (after seeing the 12" dob) that having a smaller goto scope would benifit be more than the huge one that i couldn't fit into the car :D i hope i have made the correct choice.

It the ETX 125 PE a good scope?


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Hi Milliways,

It's better than the scope my son and I started with (an ETX80) I still remember the first time we saw the rings around Saturn with it from our own back garden - happy days :)

...and we had no problem selling it when we decided to upgrade - so enjoy :thumbright:

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The reasons you chose the 125 are good ones. You are quite right about the portability of the Meade scope. I have a 12" version the LX90 in my observatory. Much too big to lug about, so it is on a permanent pier on an equatorial wedge.

The 12" Dobsonian you were contemplating buying, is a large bulk to move about, but they do break down, usually into 3 sections for transporting, although there are many variations of the Dob. scope.

The Meade 125 goto scope is a well engineered telescope, and you will enjoy using it.

It is a 5" diameter mirror, f15 Which gives a focal length of 1900 mm.

It has a large database of objects which it will find for you once you have done the setup routine.


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Well UHTC Usually means a higher cost. Any Meade scope I have seen with UHTC has had the letters emblazoned on the tube. I don't see any reason why yours should not have the same if that is what you paid for. I would wait until what I have said is corroborated by others on SGL, before you contact the supplier of your telescope.


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Got them! :) And a very nice looking instrument it is.

The big smile on your face tells us you like it very much. Lets hope the bad weather clears off, and you can put it to work.

Good luck mate, and don't forget to send in some reports on your observations.

Best Wishes.

Ron. :D

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Hello and welcome!

I bought the 300P that Ade Ashford reviewed. He liked the flextube even more! This reminds me, I should take a video of me transporting the 300P and put it up on youtube. It's certainly a FAQ by now.

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That looks great mate!

Is that a xbox 360 in your living room too?

I was going to see if you fancied a game online?!! I'm on quite a bit so if you do just send friends request to tarqs101


Hehe yeah it is.. kinda collecting dust at the mo cuz i just bought a new PC so playing all my games on that. Tryin to sell the thing actually..

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I used the goto for the first time yesterday.

I did the allignment scenario and it points to a star... that one is ok, then it goes to an area of the sky where there are hardly any stars visible, saying "center brightest star" there arnt any!

Finally got it right and i selected M31 (cuz i knew where that was) and it spun around and pointed about 20 degrees to the left, tried it with a few other objects and it did the same :'(

Has anyone had problems with using the goto?


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ah the joys of the ETX's...

Have a quick look around here... http://www.weasner.com/etx/menu.html

its a common question...

Also to make things better don't run of internal batteries use a "Power Tank"

Optically the ETX's views are very good.. I have an ETX105 which hardly get to see the starlight of night anymore but its still my grab and go scope.


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