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Hi everyone.

I have just found this website, that was right up my alley!!

My name is Dave, 24, i am from warminster (wiltshire).

I have been interested in all things to do with space all my life but really wanna get into atronomy. I get the monthly issues of "Sky at night" and "astronomy" looking for the right telescope for me. Finding the Skyliner 300p Flextube and reading your reviews and opinions of this new scope i think i might pull my finger out and order one, but before i do i would like to know if the Flextube would be better than the standard skyliner 300p, the thing that i like about the Flextube is the practicality of it, but i dont want to get something that has a worse image quality, would this be affected with the Flextube's construction?

Any info would be great :)


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Hi Dave - thats certainly going to be a serious lightbucket. I dont know the scope from personal experience but I have seen a few reviews of it. Ade Ashford did one some time back which is here http://www.opticalvision.co.uk/manuals.asp I think one of the US mags did a review of it as well a few months back.

Doubtless one of the Dob owneres will be along to give you an opinion.

Anyway - welcome from me :wave:

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Hello Dave and welcome to the forum.

Warminster! the place of UFO's :)


Yeah i have seen a few odd things here. Recently i saw a black triangle hovering in the sky, I searched Google and found this http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey8CxoGzbxQ kinda weird becuase am originally from southampton, perhaps it is following me!! dun dun dunnnnn...

Anyway thank you all for a warm welcome! At last i have found a place where i can talk about the things that really interest me. "When i talk to my fiancee about all this stuff i get the glazed :? look"

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Hehe, I am more interested with things a little less close to home :D

I managed to find Messier 31 a few nights ago (using my cheapish binoculars) looked like a little fuzzy patch but was still great, "told you i was new lol" Using the "Find Ursa Major pointing to polaris and follow to Cassiopeia" worked great! I cant wait to see it through a decent telescope.

(Gimme a break, its my first galaxy) :)

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Hi dave and welcome to sgl, im from swindon so a fellow wiltshire moonraker here enjoy the forum and your new scope when you get it regards Pete

Hey, thats not too far away :)

When i get my new scope perhaps we could meet up and you could show me how to use it hehe :scratch:

I still neet more info on my first post though before i order it :?

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Welcome to SGL Dave, I hope you enjoy your stay with us.

I can't speak from personal experience on the two scopes you are mulling over. There is no doubt either one will give exceptional views of any object you look at. Deep sky objects will not be able to hide from these light buckets. I guess the Flexitube is designed for ease of transportation, and I am sure collimation is not an issue with it in use. So if you anticipate visiting dark sites for your observing, the Flexi. will fit the bill there.

I'm sure Steve at FLO will be delighted to explain the virtues of both units to you. Just give him a ring, he will give you a completely unbiased run down, and no obligation.

Ron. :)

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Welcome to SGL Dave, I hope you enjoy your stay with us.

I can't speak from personal experience on the two scopes you are mulling over. There is no doubt either one will give exceptional views of any object you look at. Deep sky objects will not be able to hide from these light buckets. I guess the Flexitube is designed for ease of transportation, and I am sure collimation is not an issue with it in use. So if you anticipate visiting dark sites for your observing, the Flexi. will fit the bill there.

I'm sure Steve at FLO will be delighted to explain the virtues of both units to you. Just give him a ring, he will give you a completely unbiased run down, and no obligation.

Ron. :)

Thank you very much for the info :D

Did you have the number for steve to hand?

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Welcome to SGL Dave, I hope you enjoy your stay with us.

I can't speak from personal experience on the two scopes you are mulling over. There is no doubt either one will give exceptional views of any object you look at. Deep sky objects will not be able to hide from these light buckets. I guess the Flexitube is designed for ease of transportation, and I am sure collimation is not an issue with it in use. So if you anticipate visiting dark sites for your observing, the Flexi. will fit the bill there.

I'm sure Steve at FLO will be delighted to explain the virtues of both units to you. Just give him a ring, he will give you a completely unbiased run down, and no obligation.

Ron. :)

Thank you very much for the info :D

Did you have the number for steve to hand?

If you click on the FLO Emblem at the top of the this page, it will take you to the website, where the phone number is available.


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I did it, i finally got my new telescope... :hello1:

I didnt go for the skyliner 300p in the end because i looked at it in the shop and i couldn't fit the thing in my car "Was MASSIVE!!!!" so for a little more money i bourght the Meade ETX 125 Goto with a barlow lense and moon filter. Would be better because i am new, will teach me the stars and plus i would use it a hell of a lot more.. just waiting now for the chance to use it :) i cant wait!!!

Will post pics of it when i read the manual and set it up :D


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Have fun with your new scope. Quite a shift from your original choice.

Can I ask you what changed your mind, was it the GoTo?

I know it will be very easy to find objects, so perhaps that is what appealed to you.

Best of luck with it.

Ron. :)

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