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Super Blue Blood Moon Filter

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No worries about damage to your eyes when observing the Moon without a filter. It is only reflected Sun light and only 10% of the Suns total output. It also has none of the harmful UV (ultra violet) light that the Sub has. When the Moon is full, its very bright and can be uncomfortable to view. If you do view it without a filter and then quickly want to move on and look at something else, you will have to give your eye a few minutes to become dark adapted again.

NEVER,never ever view the Sun without proper safety filters. You WILL damage your eyes.

Now, if you will excuse me..........im off to google just what a super blue blood Moon is.

OK, that didnt take long. It was the blue bit i didnt understand.

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Actually, Paul, the albedo of the Moon is around 10%, which makes it as grey as asphalt, but its brightness is much less than 10% of that of the Sun.

The magnitude of the Sun is -26.7 and that of the full Moon is -12.7. That's a difference of 14 magnitudes. This makes the ratio of the brightness of the Sun to that of the Moon 10^(0.4*14) = 400,000 times approximately.

So the full Moon has a brightness that is  0.00025% of that of the Sun.

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11 minutes ago, Ruud said:

Actually, Paul, the albedo of the Moon is around 10%, which makes it as grey as asphalt, but its brightness is much less than 10% of that of the Sun.

The magnitude of the Sun is -26.7 and that of the full Moon is -12.7. That's a difference of 14 magnitudes. This makes the ratio of the brightness of the Sun to that of the Moon 10^(0.4*14) = 400,000 times approximately.

So the full Moon has a brightness that is  0.00025% of that of the Sun.

I know the Moon grey. 

I didnt know that the reflected Sun light was only 0.00025%. Ive read online many times it was 10%.I never questioned it.

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No it should not be a problem to see the eclipse without filters, but you have to be at the right place to see todays eclipse!

It is not very comfortable particularly when it is full, a filter helps to make it more bearable.

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