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The boring and flat Pacman nebula ....... no more!!


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2 hours ago, Shibby said:

I can't say I share your opinion on the Pacman, but yours is definitely one of the best images I have seen of it! I like the composition, with the "centipede" as the subject. How many nights does it take you to gather 30 hours??

Thanks Shibby :) ..... Regarding time....... I reckon this was captured over about 6 nights....It was done a while ago! 

1 hour ago, davew said:

Oh the joys of letting someone else do all the work. :)  I know if I did this nebula it would remain flat and boring ( I have the image to prove it ! )

One of the many positives of the image is the framing. No indication at all of the overall shape.

I love the dust, globs and pillars. I don't think I've ever really taken much notice of them before.

You seem to be getting along with APP very well. What percentage to you think you use APP as opposed to other software ? You did a good write up in S @ N this month I noticed.


Thanks Dave! :) I was a little worried about the framing as I've really cut into the target, but I guess that gave me the opportunity to highlight other things than the entire shape which is the usual framing of this target.

I'm glad you liked my write up! There's more APP stuff in the pipeline. I do all of my calibration and integration with APP. Then I also use the 'combine RGB' tool to put in my NB channels and change the strength so I can get better colours from the off. It's also very good at Light Pollution removal and I've used that to great effect on gradients that PI wouldn't touch. All in all I think it's a very accomplished programme.

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16 hours ago, astro mick said:

 Only you could find it boring.Your standards are so high.


Thankfully it's not only me that seems to find it boring!!! I'm on the look out for more boring targets so I can see if I can make them a little more interesting!!! :D Monkey head is the next ....... 

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2 hours ago, steppenwolf said:

Funnily enough, that's my next target as I haven't visited it since 2016 when I did a completely false colour rendition of it!

I'm not sure when I last tackled it, but I remember thinking how terribly bland and flat it looked - So far I've not seen anything else that has changed my mind :D 

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