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Security Light Rant!


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It appears I can no longer do astrophotography from my back garden due to a very bright security light(see photo) that has suddenly appeared over the road on a small block of flats(it wasn't there yesterday and it doesn't go off!). The light is of the LED type and lights up my entire garden. I don't know what the wattage of the light is, but it's the brightest domestic security light I've ever seen. I'm so angry I'm spitting feathers, these morons have no idea that the actions they take cause so much inconvenience to others and I doubt they care. I don't mind a little light pollution, but this is on a whole different level!


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Does the light affect anyone sleeping at your property? Are your neighbours also affected? Please contact your local Environmental Health Dept to investigate on your behalf, such anti-social behaviour should not be tolerated. Keep up the pressure on the council. You can later contact councillors, the Chief Executive if the officials don't crack on sorting things out. If they fluff things there is the local Ombudsman, https://www.lgo.org.uk/make-a-complaint.

Good luck and don't give up hope.

Best Regards,

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For the second night this week we have an array of, what I can only describe, as search lights beaming across the sky from the south. There appears to be about 6 beams in a fan shaped arrangment which sweeps across the sky east to west and vice versa constantly.

I haven't a clue where its coming from or why but it would destroy any imaging. They must be several miles away and I can imagine that it must be a pain for Bayfordbury Observatory.


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I had the occasion to call out my friendly window repair man  just recently. He works mainly on his own, has an unmarked van and works day and night when necessary. He frequently has to open jammed windows which he does by removing the glass and levering them free or even cutting into the frame when necessary. This work will frequently be on well exposed windows and in the light if possible. He stated that he has NEVER been challenged doing this work. This just reinforces other evidence that lighting has no effect on crime.

So what use is "security lighting" ???


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Used (darkened) bathroom t'other night... A NEW bright light shone through the window! :eek:

Further investigation revealed it was actually a *reflection* of a neighbour's security light
in houses at the *bottom* of my garden! Someone had pruned their tall Leylandii hedge!
I can be hard to keep up... Even imagine  the many and diverse possibilities these days... :o

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It's interesting to note on Radio 2 yesterday as I was at work (keeps brain sane... :D ) there was a discussion about the rise in crime and some Police chappy was recommending security measures for the home - my ears were pricked up, listening out for the usual security light recommendation .... there was none! Maybe the tide is turning...

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I feel your pain Howard.

My dear insecure neighbour has a massive spot on his garage that is a good 200m plus from me and it illuminates my garden fully.
He also has another on a tree alongside my garden and it point directly into my garden and lounge.
Asked if he would realign them I was told NO.

Observing hood and careful choice of targets has since been required.
Each observation is a major reward i being able to find it and observe.

All so sad in that I bought my house 16 years ago for its darker secluded spot and no lights local, how things change.

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What dim people are in our society. The insecurity lighting makes them a much friendlier target from what I've read, and my local police crime prevention are also advocating the use of lighting. If you can't see use a torch. Disruption of sleep patterns affects everyone.

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I guess they have no idea what pain it is causing others. Have you tried talking to the owners to explain to them. May have more of an effect than causing all out war by getting council involved. At least that gives them a chance to reduce the brightness or turn it off at a certain time. After that the see if the council will intervene. If mine can force me to take down a small wind chime because a neighbor on another road, some 100M away complained about the noise surely they can stop this.



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I’ve had a nearby pub install 3 massive spotlights on their front, each brighter than a streetlight. A polite chat on the lines it cast shadows in my property got it resolved - I didn’t mention astronomy. I joked that I could read a book at night in the bedroom with the curtains shut!

It all depends on their response but a polite chat is always a good place to start although I can’t say it’ll be successful. 

Another thought: if it’s a business or council property then highlight the benefits to their environmental policy. I know also campaign for dark skies has some really good advice on resolution and legal aspects  of light pollution.

Good luck!

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Here in Holland I had some success with my local council - they added a (very small) shield to a streetlight overlooking my garden. It really seems to me that glare-type lighting should be illegal: lights on properties should be required by law to direct light downward (and most definitely not shine horizontally), and there should be a maximum set on the luminance.

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A recent campaign by a Surrey resident backed by the "usual suspects" who seem to jump on any "it's an outrage" bandwagon has resulted in the streetlights staying until 01:00 instead of 00:00.

He cited elevated crime rates in selected areas of Surrey as his justification despite the figures showing no overall correlation between crime rates and the switch off.


It seems that Joe Public is scared of the dark - probably watched too many Horror Movies!

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