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Gettìng facts

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Hi my name is Ash and I'm from Wales in the UK. I am typing facts for myself to learn about the sun, moon and things that are in our solar system. I'm using the Nasa website as it's probably the most reliable source, what do you think? I type into the search box Sun and it comes up with information about the sun. Here is what i've typed so far. I want to type facts on our moon next

Sun – Hot ball of glowing gases
Main gases – Hydrogen, Helium
Sun shines – Nuclear Fusion 
Surface - Photosphere
Outer atmosphere– Corona
Core temp – 15 million degrees celsius 
Surface temp – 6,000 celsius 
Sun/Earth – 92.96 million miles
Sunspots- Magnetic field lines breaking through the surface
Solar eclipse - Moon between Earth and Sun

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11 minutes ago, Astro Imp said:

I'm sorry but your choice of font and colour makes your post too difficult to read. If you really want responses you are better to stick to the forum default settings.

Sorted, hopefully

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