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DSS problem

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Last year I started taking images using a Cannon 1100D and my Celestron. I downloaded and used DSS v. It worked just fine and I got some (for me) decent pics. This week I took 25 x 120 sec subs at 800 ISO of M42 to compare with my images last year. The settings I used are RAW+L and sRGB. DSS is refusing to play ball and just keeps giving me this error message when I click on "Register checked pictures".  "The checked pictures are not compatibles (width, height, number of channels, only one master dark offset and flat)." I have not to my knowledge altered anything but can't be certain. I notice that in the DSS info box where all the image files appear that in the column headed Depth all my lights are described as "gray" while the Master dark and flat frames are "RGB." I don't understand that as reviewing the images in the camera they are all showing nice peaks in each of the RGB curves and the images look good. Please help, it's driving me nuts trying to figure out what is wrong.

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I have had lots of trouble with DSS and my 1300d.  One suggestion, go back to one step at a time:  Lights only and stack.  Add Darks, but dont re-register.  then continue..it helped me find out there was a problem with my bias/offset files for some reason


good luck!

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Thanks guys, much appreciated. I did as you both suggested and loaded only the lights and to my surprise that worked perfectly normally and produced a nice image ready for processing in PS. I don't know what it means though, is it that somehow my Master Dark and Master Flat have both become corrupted? How do I move on and add the master files as you suggested? Just as a matter of course I am going to redo both master files anyway, can't do any harm.

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13 minutes ago, happy-kat said:

Could your focus have changed?

No, the focus was good throughout and I always start each session by focussing with the Bahtinov Mask. Each individual image when viewed is in sharp focus.

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26 minutes ago, michael8554 said:

The files displayed as RGB aren't the Raws, possibly the L's you also shot?


Yes, thank you, from what I have gathered that does appear to be the case, also the fact that DSS is happy to process just the lights does strongly indicate there is not a problem with them. The problem only arises when I add in the master darks and flats. I am going to remake the masters to see if that solves the problems. Fingers crossed.

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I have redone the Master Dark and that now works fine with my Lights. When I added in the Master Flat it again gave the error message so clearly the fault is on my old Master files. If conditions are suitable I will remake the Master flat tomorrow and then I will be fully back in business.

Thanks for your help,

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