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Glatter collimation lasers in stock @FLO


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FYI, just noticed that FLO has some Howie Glatter lasers in stock.


The prices seem to have gone up though.

For anyone with a big fast Newtonian then these lasers help you get collimation spot on!

merry xmas, Alan

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I have seen a Youtube video on these. The reviewer's only disappointment was the on/off button which seemed delicate and not in keeping with the rest of Glatter's tough design.

Perhaps a new batch will have that issue fixed.

What laser brightness and colour is best? 

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The standard brightness is your best bet.

I bought the brighter 635nm version and it was too bright at night, I had to add the optional switch upgrade with dimmer control (which also fixes the on/off button issue you described) which was another £40 (FLO sell those too)


If you have a 2" focuser then get one of the 2" lasers otherwise you will need a way to guarantee the 1.25" version is centered in the focuser.

Finally, if you use a Televue Paracorr, then collimate with the paracorr in the focuser, the glatter laser is powerful enough to power through the paracorr lens. If you miss this step then adding the paracorr afterwards will push collimation off by 5mm.


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