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What did the postman bring?


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2 minutes ago, Alfian said:

If "nothing much" is the difference between finding an object or not, then "nothing much" will do very nicely!

PayPal gave me a £15 bonus (not sure why), allowing me to order one without feeling it in my wallet :D. It's mainly for your 100ED, Ian. 

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Delivered day after New Year's and I haven't had the opportunity to properly star test it, though Friday night I had a look through increasing cloudiness and saw nothing amiss. At f/7.5 it is at the length-limit for the pictured mount. Damping time, with pads, was just acceptable.

I sold off near half of my scopes a few years ago leaving me with a 4-inch as my largest refractor. Sold the G-11 also so when I recently had a hankerin' for more aperture* it had to be compatible with the GM-8, CG-5 and Vixen Porta. Suited up, the SW120 tips the scale at about 14 lbs and with their end-of-year price cut my decision was made. I am hoping this will prove a satisfying acquisition negating any more monetary outlays.


*The five and six-inch refractors I previously had were cumbersome and just didn't get used enough to keep around anymore.

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6 hours ago, Nakedgun said:

"I am hoping this will prove a satisfying acquisition negating any more monetary outlays" 




....you poor man, the number of times I've heard that screamed down the halls of the amateur astronomer asylum.....it seems to be impossible to stop after just one....telescope/mount/camera ?

Kidding aside looks l like a nice setup - and you do have the skies for it - look forward to your observing posts ?


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A nice yoga mat was delivered from Amazon.71sv0YzK6pL._SL1500_.thumb.jpg.566cdbb810c698aa4558946940c87179.jpg

After tackling it with a pair of scissors, one-third if the mat is providing extra protection for the Tak 76 DCU in its travel bag (already padded). The other two-thirds is going the same for the C9.25 in its bag ?



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57 minutes ago, R26 oldtimer said:

Can you 3d print a 3d printer????

From the original ReRap website:


RepRap is humanity's first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine.

RepRap takes the form of a free desktop 3D printer capable of printing plastic objects. Since many parts of RepRap are made from plastic and RepRap prints those parts, RepRap self-replicates by making a kit of itself - a kit that anyone can assemble given time and materials. It also means that - if you've got a RepRap - you can print lots of useful stuff, and you can print another RepRap for a friend...

RepRap is about making self-replicating machines, and making them freely available for the benefit of everyone. We are using 3D printing to do this, but if you have other technologies that can copy themselves and that can be made freely available to all, then this is the place for you too.


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YEP - RepRap is what it's about!  I definitely use one printer to make parts for another - a lot of the printer output is for another printer or even the same printer.  Once you have one 3D printer, others come along almost automatically (or at least they do with a Gina in the loop! ? )  My printers are based on RepRap hence my naming the range "GinaRep".  Unfortunately, not all parts of a 3D printer can be 3D printed (yet).  The frame of my "GinaRep Titan" printer is 3D printed plastic as is the frame of the bed, all the brackets and support structures though it does use aluminium extrusion for the running rails.  This printer relies more on 3D printed parts than my other printers.

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I've had my eye on a Nirvana 16mm for a while. The price on FLO is definitely right. I rember when these things had a much higher price tag - in a different housing however.

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It is quite a nice little package at the price it is at, and it is supposed to be sealed and gas purged to stop condensation in this new design but still using the original optics. In fact if this one works out ok I will probably buy the 7mm one as well. The only thing I wish was that one was made with a focal length of around 10 - 11mm, as it stands that length will probably end up being occupied by a Explore Scientific eyepiece.

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I like the Explore Scientific 82 degree eyepieces, but feel the 14mm is a waste - too close to the 11mm, and I want the longest possible 82 degree eyepiece possible in 1.25" format - so the Nirvana 16mm is on my shopping list. Eventually... ?

Let us know how the eyepiece works out!

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That is exactly the same thought I had concerning the focal lengths ( and the 18mm was to far away from the 11mm and to close to my 40mm on a focal extender ).

I will do a small review when I get some viewing time in on the eyepiece.

P.S. This will probably be posted in my thread in the eyepiece section.

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....I think this fits here as although the posty didn't bring me anything - I WAS the posty and delivered my mounts for what I'm calling their "Spa Day" at Dark Frame Optics ?

Here you can see them strapped in for the journey to darkest Hampshire - they're both nervous with their gym towels at the ready as you can see, but I assured them the rejuvenation they will experience will be worth the upheaval ? .... I intend to present a supplier review here following their return in a few weeks....


ps just noticed even with the excitement of the journey Nooky6 would NOT put his handset down for two seconds!! I'm assured they're confiscated at the spa gates though....?


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