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NGC660 - 2800mm FL


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This one was not easy.  It is very faint and rather small.  It is an unusual form of galaxy in Pisces, in the region of 40 million light years distance which makes it interesting for me. Apparently the "ring" structure contains many star forming regions which (with a little imagination) can be seen on this image.

I had the usual problem with the stars from the C11 scope - they still look rather woolly, but this seems normal to me when imaging faint stuff at 2800mm focal length.

All subs were binned 2x2.
66 x 5 minutes L,  24 x 5 minutes each RGB.
Deforked CPC 1100
Tak EM200 mount

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I bet this wasn't easy, there is enough setting up and testing for my 2000mm imaging, let alone 2800mm...

I think your stars look fine, standard SCT effect I think... my stars tend to look similar at high focal lengths... at the end of the day... err ... night, the stars are round and you have focus... excellent result...

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8 hours ago, morimarty said:

The stars look nice and round so well done on guiding at this focal length

Thanks very much, Martyn.  But I am not sure that round stars necessarily mean good guiding!  If the corrections are random in both axis then wouldn't the stars be round anyway?  In fact the biggest problem I have found is avoiding any hint of a breeze....

Yes, it is a nice galaxy in the lower right - there are quite a few on the image, but sadly I just missed the best one - a tiny spiral just above and to the right of the one you noticed, but I had to crop it due to mis-alignment of subs taken on different occasions.


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