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Hi from zog


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Hi everyone!

I first became truly interested in the night sky when I did an "orientation flight" to a US Navy carrier in 1987 as part of my training in the army. I was looking out at the ocean and this "old sailor", (I use quotes because to my 20 year old self, anyone who was 40+ was old!), came out with the biggest pair of binoculars that I had ever seen. He looked at me and said, "Hey, do you want to see something cool?" He then showed me where to look to see Saturn. The moment I first saw Saturn with my own eyes, the world around me faded. I remember him telling me to look for the moons and the thrill of seeing them.

The next time I truly saw the stars was in Saudi in '91. I remember seeing the real night sky and thinking to myself, "Now I understand how the ancients would just stare at the sky". The Milky Way was so "thick" that you felt that you could walk on it.

I've been stuck on the US/Canadian east coast for the last 25 years, but I'm going back west to Arizonan next May, (Flagstaff, can you say Lowell Observatory?", and I have decided to get into star gazing. Since my son won't give me his 8" telescope, (with the lame excuse that he regularly uses it!), I picked up a 900mm no name telescope with a 4 1/2" mirror at a flea market for $10. It came with a semi decent tripod and a 20mm view finder. I thought that the mirror had lens fungus, but it turned out to be a thick coating of dust and grim. I know that I will end up buying something better in a year or two, but for now it will get started looking up at the sky again.

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Hello Zog, welcome to SGL :) 

Im only 14 years old, but I was born and spent the first 6 years of my life in Sedona, Arizona. I was always interested in astronomy, but I was too young to understand what a privilege the dark skies are. Now I live in light polluted St. Louis.

Hope you enjoy your time in Flagstaff. If I could choose a place to be, that is also where I would go. :thumbsup:

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