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Overseas supplier dispute advice?


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Hi Ian, good question!

So, the camera arrived back with me today and I've just had a chance to take a look at it.

The good news is it's in one piece, appears to work correctly and there's a distinct red tinge to the images with the white balance set to daylight, so it look like the mod was successful. With the WB set to auto, the camera does a good job of removing most of the tint, a custom WB should see it good for normal use.

There is however what sounds like a loose screw or something rattling around inside the case :crybaby2:Right now I can't even contemplate sending it back to have the loose item removed. The camera works OK and it may not prove to be an issue, I'm just amazed that there was a final sting in the tail of the whole ordeal.

The supplier has offered me a 50% refund by means of a credit note, stating he hopes I will soon forget and give them another chance.....yeah, like I'll be going back there again!

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Oh, that's a bit disappointing. I guess one needs to be a bit pragmatic now and move on, and accept that as long as it works OK, then try to forget the rattle. 

Altogether a totally unacceptable experience. It's no way to run a genuine business these days, apart from which it's too easy for them to lose credibility in our interconnected world.

Fingers crossed!


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A credit note?....wow what a great gesture of goodwill.

If I were you I'd write a factual time-lined review in the supplier's review section to give others the opportunity to make up their own minds if they'd like to use their services or not.

As to the rattle, it all depends on where it is coming from and what it is. It could be benign or it could damage something either by shorting out some electronics if it is conductive or lodging into the mirror/shutter box mechanism.

Have you tried removing the lens cap and seeing if something drops out if you shake the camera gently? You could then try locking up the mirror and try the same.

Other than that the only other thing would be to remove the back cover  (or at least loosen it) and see if something comes out. I'd offer to do it if you lived nearby, otherwise Royal Mail will be making a fortune.

Or as suggested above, live with it, it may not actually cause any problems.

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5 hours ago, The Admiral said:

I guess one needs to be a bit pragmatic now and move on, and accept that as long as it works OK, then try to forget the rattle.

Agreed Ian, I just want to forget the whole business now and actually put the camera to use!

5 hours ago, StuartJPP said:

A credit note?....wow what a great gesture of goodwill.

If I were you I'd write a factual time-lined review in the supplier's review section to give others the opportunity to make up their own minds if they'd like to use their services or not.

As to the rattle, it all depends on where it is coming from and what it is. It could be benign or it could damage something either by shorting out some electronics if it is conductive or lodging into the mirror/shutter box mechanism.

Have you tried removing the lens cap and seeing if something drops out if you shake the camera gently? You could then try locking up the mirror and try the same.

Other than that the only other thing would be to remove the back cover  (or at least loosen it) and see if something comes out. I'd offer to do it if you lived nearby, otherwise Royal Mail will be making a fortune.

Or as suggested above, live with it, it may not actually cause any problems.

I will post a review, I've put the emails into a transcript which may be the easiest way to explain the ordeal.

I've tried the mirror up, lens off idea and also battery and sd card slots open but no joy, whatever's in there can't get out via those channels. Removing the back case desn't look to much trouble so I may tackle that at some point, thanks for the offer to assist :)

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