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Skull nebula Ha


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Some Halloween imaging for fun other night.  5 min subs, f5.6, fl 840mm, 7nm ha, asi 174mm. Windy, was glad to capture some data of this faint target.  Not sure whats up with one corner of my chip, heat, sensitivity, extra light getting in?  Finally investing in cooled camera soon, hopefully help my images bit.




sn2 (1 of 1) - Copy.jpg

sa1 - Copy.png

sa2 - Copy.png

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That's a good start on the 'The Skull' NGC 246, a beautiful planetary with quite large angular size compared to the likes of M57 partly due to being relatively close around 1600ly, sadly a bit low for us here at 55'N otherwise it would be a much imaged target.

I'm not familiar with the ASI cameras but looks like it could be a heat issue in the corner, anyway if you're making the move to CCD then that issue should be eliminated, nice to see your results if you go after this one again with a CCD.


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