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Azimuth and latitudes bolts, dosen't correspond accordingly

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I am trying to use Alignmaster, to do a proper polar alignment. The problem is that when it asks to adjust azimuth on the HEQ5 mount, the bolts doesn't move the scope left or right precisely, rather in sideways direction. The same goes for the altitude bolts. This does make centering the star in the crosshair impossible, when the program asks to do one at the time, azimuth or Alt.  Now I pretty sure the mount is leveled. And I don't think the camera angle can interfere with this or does it !? If not, then what am I missing here?  I used to guide to compensate the polar alignment, but now I really want to nail it down.

Does your azimuth and alt bolts correspond to left/right, up and down precisely when polar aligning? Are they suppose to move sideways at all? The EQmod controller also behave the same. 

I am thankful for any help, as solving this will let me take longer exposures. 5 minutes dosen't cut it anymore :) 



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22 hours ago, Davey-T said:

It helps to have the camera aligned square to N / S / E / W


Ok! You write that it helps! Does that mean that this can accrue anyways? If so how do you go about it? 

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7 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

If you look at the screen and move the mount with the hand control then rotate the camera so it moves parallel to the mount direction in RA and Dec it will be easier to align with stars.


Got it! Thanks!

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To get it roughly right first, look at the camera sensor to see which way is "up" (the longer side). With the mount in its home position (pointing at the pole, counterweight down) insert the camera so that "up" is pointing left/right.

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On 10/22/2017 at 22:50, kens said:

To get it roughly right first, look at the camera sensor to see which way is "up" (the longer side). With the mount in its home position (pointing at the pole, counterweight down) insert the camera so that "up" is pointing left/right.

That is very helpful! Thanks! 


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