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Error 10110 DriverFramework in W10.... any ideas?


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2 minutes ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

If this PC will never be connected to the Internet, then the Windows Update service can be disabled, but I wouldn't recommend it, it would be better to manage when, how & what gets updated.

As my issues seemed to start after an update (it was all going well for some time) then I don't want any at all

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Just now, Dr_Ju_ju said:

With Win 10 there are other, hidden, mechanisms for individual components to update....  Getting more technical you need to run some powershell commands to disable\remove some of the bloatware applications e.g. Cortana, Bing Weather\Maps etc..... 

Is there a program I can run to get rid of all of these...... Do you think the issue is update related?

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Without direct access to your PC, it may be update related, but it could also be a USB bus clash, where if you are only using one local PC port and an external powered hub, all traffic then has to go down the one 'pipe', try using additional local USB ports...  and as this is a new PC are the ports USB 3.0 or 2.0 ??  USB 3.0 can be more temperamental.

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In the last few weeks I have two major updates, the creator pack and another related to it, both caused some minor driver issues that where fixed by "updating driver" in device manager even though it reported that they were up to date. The easiest way I found of disabling major updates was to set the connection as metered.


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Digging around the USBEhci error, I came across this https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/ddf150c6-f5be-41ef-8596-e4334343994b/usbehci-keeps-making-my-ports-restart-while-my-computer-is-on?forum=w8itprogeneral which has some pointers worth checking...


Don't worry it says it about 8.1, it would still hold true for Win 10

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17 minutes ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

Some good pointers there......... I have had a look especially at the last bit about the power management....... I have found that one of the USB hubs has a maximum draw of 500mA but potentially more than that on there...... Could this be the issue?

I have 3x USB root hubs in the device manager.... does this mean that one set of USB's (front of PC) are on one hub, one group (back of PC) on a second hub and the third hub for the USB3?

10110 error 7.jpg

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Correct, the USB spec only allows 500mA, so when device(s) requests more there can be issues... Hence the reason most peeps use external powered hubs.  Even though you have 12 USB ports, they are distributed across the 3 USB busses, with at least one being dedicated for USB3, so there can be buss contention...

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If I distrubute the USB's across the 3 bunch of ports then and ensure that I don't go over the 500mA maximum that will be OK? Also on the USB3 hub stuff there's no power max..... and neither do the devices show as I plug and unplug them..... is this an issue?

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yes, it may be an issue, in control panel \ device manager, you can right click at the top and select "Scan for hardware changes"


As its' a tad windy here, I can't hook up the full rig to my controller PC, but the USB HUBs display are as per the picture, and I still use an external powered hub even though I have loads of on board busses\ports....



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14 minutes ago, martin_h said:

If it's due to an update, could you try to restore to an earlier date and see if that works?

I'd already done that Martin.... However I *may* have made some progress all round..... I need a night to test and confirm :) 

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The issue was the AV / USB converter that I use with my Malincam AllSky. Last night I ran that on a separate computer and all was well :) USB related but not one that I would have even considered. Thanks to Julian linking to something a few threads up, it got me thinking about USB power and that lead to this solution.... along with changing the USB's around to different ports to even out the load.

The AllSky and it's converter worked well on it's own PC all night and the rest of the gubbins worked well on the other PC..... never the twain shall meet obviously :) 

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