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NGC7023 - The Iris nebula


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This has been something of a labour of hate and a test of my patience. I've wanted to have a go again at this for some time and so made a start in July. In the meantime, after getting a load of red and Luminance subs I walked into my camera and rotated it..... there was no way I was going to redo the 150 odd exposures that I'd already had, so I just carried on with the new framing. I also couldn't be bothered with taking new flats, so I chucked everything into APP and it came out OK!

As so can see I am certainly a corner cutter where I can get away with it!!! This has been a tricky target, I don't think it's easy at the best of times. I have certainly found a level of data that works for me with regards to ease of processing as well.


T: TMB 152/1200
C: QSI683 with Hutech IDAS luminance and Baader RGB

150x600s Luminance
100x300s for RGB totalling 50 hours

You can see a larger image on my website here



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17 minutes ago, swag72 said:

so I chucked everything into APP and it came out OK!

Just 'OK' - I think it is stunning work Sara. I don't think it is cutting corners to make the best from what you have, rather its both encouraging and refreshing to see how well you overcame that camera 'accident'.

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3 hours ago, Allinthehead said:

Fabulous depth and beautiful colour. Love it. Regarding the rotation when you bumped it. Could you not just rotate back to where it was? 

Thanks! Sadly I couldn't sort the 'bump'.... The rotation seemed to have moved all sorts... so I just bit the bullet (annoyed nonetheless) and carried on knowing that I'd have to crop out loads.

3 hours ago, geoflewis said:

Just 'OK' - I think it is stunning work Sara. I don't think it is cutting corners to make the best from what you have, rather its both encouraging and refreshing to see how well you overcame that camera 'accident'.

Cheers Geof - I was lazy enough to use the same flats on the rotated images too :) 

3 hours ago, PhotoGav said:

Well that seems to have worked...!

Thanks Gav :)

2 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

That's excellent. What I like best is the way the brown dust overlaps the outlying blues. Both colours are present. We don't often see that.

Lovely intense core, too.


Thanks Olly :) 

2 hours ago, Cozzy said:

A cracking image and IMHO well worth the amount of work you have put into this.




Many thanks Tim :) 

1 hour ago, Knight of Clear Skies said:

Tons of intricate detail, the extended blue reflection nebulosity creeping out gives a real sense of depth, but the colours are perhaps a little strong for my taste.

Thanks! I have literally loads of permutations of this.... so I did play a lot with the saturation...... :) 

1 hour ago, steppenwolf said:

I like that a lot and do envy you the time that you can put to one object. I love that dust!

Cheers Steve - I know that I am lucky with the time I can spend on 1 object..... it does pay dividends with the processing in my opinion.

1 hour ago, alan4908 said:

An excellent image Sara.


Many thanks Alan :) 

1 hour ago, Adam J said:


That is more imaging time on a single target then I have managed to grab in the last two years. I need to retire and move to Spain....only another 20 years to go then.

Thanks Adam...... I never even attempted imaging when I lived in the UK, so know where you are coming from... that 20 years will be over in no time :D 

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Regarding the flats, you probably rotated everything in the relevant part of the optical train. I routinely re-use flats taken after rotation because my rotator turns, as one unit, the flattener/filterwheel/camera. Specks on the objective can have no perceptible effect on the flats.


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This is just incredible. I don’t think I’ve seen anything so fantastical looking.  Do you process the data after say 25 hours and decide if you need more or would you just say I’m going to do x hours in total from the start and that’s that?

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6 hours ago, swag72 said:

Cheers Steve - I know that I am lucky with the time I can spend on 1 object..... it does pay dividends with the processing in my opinion.

Ah but in fairness, you do make the most of it in your excellent processing, as demonstrated here.

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14 hours ago, johnrt said:

More dust there than on the skirting boards behind my sofa! Spectacular! (The image, not the dust down the back of my sofa!) :D

Thanks John! :) I try not to even look behind my sofa's!!!

12 hours ago, tooth_dr said:

This is just incredible. I don’t think I’ve seen anything so fantastical looking.  Do you process the data after say 25 hours and decide if you need more or would you just say I’m going to do x hours in total from the start and that’s that?

Thanks! I only make one definitive process..... I may look at the luminance along the way then once I am happy with that I know I have enough and generally collect a near similar amount of RGB to go with it.

11 hours ago, Barry-Wilson said:

Congratulations Sara, superlative.

As Olly remarked, the detail of the dust intervening with the central nebula areas is exceptional.  Got to l love the big 'frac :headbang:.

Cheers Barry :) I certainly do love the big frac!!

9 hours ago, Filroden said:

What a stunning image! Those blues are electric. 

Thanks! Glad that you like it :) 

7 hours ago, gorann said:

Sara, you were already the queen of NB AP, and now you are a princess of RGB AP. Love it!

Ha!!! I don't know about that!!! I'm glad that you like it :) 

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10 hours ago, tony210 said:

Great image Sara!-Great dynamic range.- Still keen on APP? - Tony

Certainly am Tony..... all of the calibration, pre-processing, colour combination etc was done in APP... then I take it into PS to do the processing :) 

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Great image again Sara - great appearance of the reflection neb shining behind and through the dust. I so need my kit placed somewhere where I can get more than a couple of nights per month... how long did it take to get the 50 hours accrued? (I'd have to pace over several years with clouds, lunar phases, etc!)

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6 hours ago, RayD said:

All I could say has already been said.  This is exceptional, thanks for sharing.

Thanks Ray - Glad that you like it :) 

40 minutes ago, coatesg said:

Great image again Sara - great appearance of the reflection neb shining behind and through the dust. I so need my kit placed somewhere where I can get more than a couple of nights per month... how long did it take to get the 50 hours accrued? (I'd have to pace over several years with clouds, lunar phases, etc!)

Thanks Graeme - This took 2 months to get the data.....not a single sub was gathered when the moon was around and also a lost quite a few nights in July / August with the neighbours outdoor lights (they only stay in July and August, so that's a relief!) were shining brightly :(

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