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Pickering's triangle 2 pane mosaic in bi-colour


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7 hours ago, Rodd said:

Very Nice--with resolution like that, why not a full resolution mode option?  I assume you down sampled?  The 152 can pick up very fine detail


Thanks Rodd - I just like to put a larger but not full res version on my website....... larger images have, in my experience, a far greater tendency to get copied and posted as someone elses work :( 

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10 hours ago, AKB said:

Oh, now ANOTHER APOD, I see!


Congratulations Sara.



9 hours ago, DaveS said:

Oh yay! Many congrats Sara :D.


6 hours ago, sloz1664 said:

Many congratulations Sara. You set the standards on many of your images on this forum. Again, well done.


 Thanks for your comments! It was a very nice surprise this morning :) 

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Hi Sara,

first congrats for the APOD (again).

The veil is a region, where you can spent a whole year and will find still another interesting detail. Your rendition of the triangle is really great and your patience payed out 100%. Btw, I am about to change my camera as well, but not from KAF to Sony, but from Atik to QSI. I like to have camera, filterwheel and off axis guider in ONE piece - like the QSI 690 wsg8 is offering. Did you ever heared of the vertical banding noise the QSI should have?



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Thanks guys for the comments - Sorry for the delay in replying but I have been back in the UK for a few days.

@Jedi2014 - I've not noticed any banding issues in the QSI. I guess that you are getting secondhand now that QSI have stopped production for the moment?


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