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QSI changes afoot


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I spotted a post on the QSI yahoo group about the sad passing of Neal Barry, the founder and CEO of QSI camera's. There was a post making the announcement as well as what it now means for QSI. For those interested take a read of the thread on CN -  What struck me is that manufacturing is on hold for the moment....... looks like there's no more new QSI's for the moment and little information about how long this may be for.

Lets hope all can get sorted soon.

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Yes, this is a strange situation as well as a sad one. It's easy to overlook the fact that many astronomy products are made by what are, in effect, 'extended one man bands.' They don't necessarily consist of just one person but they can be unusually dependent on just one.


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Thanks for passing this on Sara.

This is something of concern with many astro related companies, a lot of great products are the result of an individual's genius, and by nature a lot of the experienced enough individuals are advanced in years. Investing a significant amount in a product can feel like edging on gambling sometimes.

Amateur large mirror makers in the UK are in decline too, I was chatting with Es Reid last week about it, he reckons it takes about 15 years to become proficient......... 

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