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Bang head here!

Roy Batty

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It was surprisingly clear on saturday night in my bit of somerset, but with a big full moon out (conspiracy theorists discuss :x ) there wasn't much chance of any DSO imaging. After a bit of wandering about the sky with visual obs I decided to get a few subs of the double cluster, just to keep my hand in.

Well to cut the story short I get to looking at the stack in photoshop the next day.. and carp! just a tad out of focus. Not noticeable on the brighter, bigger stars but zoom in on the small ones and sure enough little doughnuts!

Lesson of the story... to take my time when setting up the focus and don't fiddle with the framing and then expect focus to be still bang on. Ahhhh welll happy days :D .


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Hi Roy

I was out Saturday night too (for what seemed the first time since the ice age!). Somerset was crystal clear :( . With the moon / clear skies conspiracy in full operation, I decided not to do any imaging and try out this WCS polar alignement software. Worked a treat on the Southern horizon star. However all went belly up when drift aligning the Western horizon star as I forgot that the orientation of my toucam was 90deg out (because I was using a reflector :D ).


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I adjusted the wrong thumbscrew on the "66" on Friday night and the nosepiece slid back slightly ruining focus lost 2/3rds of a nights imaging...I had wanted to loosen the rotation screw on the FF III instead I slacked the grubscrew on the 2" focuser - the camera rotated alright but slid back a few mm as well :D

Had a good battle with "Luna" on Saturday-Sunday though even with sky backgrounds of up to 60% :(


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